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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Debating the business judgment rule

Alison Frankel gripes about a NJ judge’s ruling throwing out a shareholders’ derivative suit seeking to hold the J & J board accountable for problems concerning the company’s Rispardal drug. Frankel thinks the bad faith standard the court applied is not high enough. Ted Frank responds that the fact that the company had settled criminal ... Debating the business judgment rule

The uncorporation and energy infrastructure

My paper, Energy Infrastructure Investment and the Rise of the Uncorporation has been published in the current issue of the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance.  It includes a useful summary of my views of uncorporations applied to larger firms.  As of now it’s behind a pay wall.  Here’s the abstract: While most large U.S. businesses have long ... The uncorporation and energy infrastructure

Ideas for growth

NASDAQ’s Bob Greifeld writes in the WSJ: According to the Small Business Association, small businesses accounted for 64% of the 15 million net new jobs created from 1993 through 2008. In 2010, only 51% of jobs in the U.S. were created by small businesses. In the 1990s, initial public offerings by smaller companies (those raising ... Ideas for growth

ACS Blog Debate on Google: Retrograde Antitrust Analysis is No Fit for Google

I am participating in an online “debate” at the American Constitution Society with Professor Ben Edelman.  The debate consists of an opening statement and concluding responses to be posted later in the week.  Professor Edelman’s opening statement is here.  I am cross-posting my opening statement here at TOTM, and will cross-post my closing statement later ... ACS Blog Debate on Google: Retrograde Antitrust Analysis is No Fit for Google

Litigation funding grows

Looking for something in the market that’s growing instead of shrinking?  Try litigation. The WSJ surveys the current landscape of litigation funding, discussing three new U.S. entrants:  BlackRobe Capital Partners LLC, with John P.”Sean” Coffey, formerly of Bernstein Litowitz and 2010 Democratic nominee for NY AG; Fulbrook Management LLC, and Bentham Capital LLC. The article ... Litigation funding grows

Dear Michael Pollan: When It Comes to GM Food, the Problem is Regulation, Not Its Absence.

Before concluding that “there ought to be a law” to remedy an unhappy situation, one should ask whether it’s really a law that’s causing the problem in the first place.  I was reminded of that principle this afternoon when I read some remarks by Michael Pollan, doyen of the “slow food” movement, in today’s New ... Dear Michael Pollan: When It Comes to GM Food, the Problem is Regulation, Not Its Absence.

Zywicki on the Unintended Consequences of the Durbin Bank Fees

Here’s Professor Zywicki in the WSJ on the debit card interchange price controls going into effect, and their unintended but entirely predictable consequences: Faced with a dramatic cut in revenues (estimated to be $6.6 billion by Javelin Strategy & Research, a global financial services consultancy), banks have already imposed new monthly maintenance fees—usually from $36 ... Zywicki on the Unintended Consequences of the Durbin Bank Fees

What if the NCAA adopted Dodd-Frank?

Larcker & Tayan speculate, for example (footnotes omitted): Researchers have long noted that the compensation of college football coaches has risen faster than the compensation of other university employees. According to one study, the compensation awarded to head coaches rose 500 percent between 1986 and 2007. By comparison, the compensation of university presidents rose 100 percent ... What if the NCAA adopted Dodd-Frank?

The Law and Economics Revolution in Securities Law, Part V

Law Review Editors…take note.  You may get an opportunity to catch this one in February if you play your cards right. I’ve been blogging updates of my research for a new article developing what the economic analysis provisions of the National Securities Markets Improvement Act of 1996 requires of new SEC rulemaking.  Blog colleague Prof. ... The Law and Economics Revolution in Securities Law, Part V

Welcome Digitopoly!

This looks like a great new blog on economics and technology from a top notch group of economists:  Erik Brynjolfsson, Joshua Gans and Shane Greenstein.  Welcome Digitopoly.  Now added to the blogroll.  Here’s their description of the blog: This blog was established by Professors Erik Brynjolfsson, Joshua Gans and Shane Greenstein. They noticed that there ... Welcome Digitopoly!

Attention Economists and Economics Graduate Students: Want to Go to Law School?

I have recently joined my colleague Bruce Johnsen as a co director of the Robert A. Levy Fellowship in Law and Liberty at GMU Law.  It is a very generous fellowship — a tuition waiver plus a generous stipend —  for economists who have their PhD’s or “ABD” status to come to law school on ... Attention Economists and Economics Graduate Students: Want to Go to Law School?

India, the UK, and US law firms

The Law Blog reports that India is considering letting in U.K. law firms after long barring all foreign law firms from having offices in India. The LB notes that the UK would have to reciprocate by allowing Indian firms and that “[i]t’s unclear whether U.S. firms would be invited to the party.” Well, I imagine ... India, the UK, and US law firms