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Showing results for:  “e-books”


Symposium on the Apple E-Books Antitrust Case: Implications for Antitrust and for the Economy

The appellate court’s 2015 decision affirming the district court’s finding of per se liability in United States v. Apple provoked controversy over the legal and economic merits of the case, its significance for antitrust jurisprudence, and its implications for entrepreneurs, startups, and other economic actors throughout the economy. Apple has filed a cert petition with ... Symposium on the Apple E-Books Antitrust Case: Implications for Antitrust and for the Economy


Free to Choose Symposium

The rise of behavioral economics, and in turn, behavioral law and economics, has been one of the most significant developments in either field in a remarkably short period of time.  In 2010, Nudge is a household name, “libertarian paternalism” is (a hotly debated) a term of art, and behavioral economics has taken made its way from articles, ... Free to Choose Symposium