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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Larry Craig, Coordination Crimes, and the Weirdest Law School Paper Ever

One question has come up several times in conversations I’ve had about the very sad Larry Craig matter: What’s the deal with the foot-tapping? I’m surprised at how many people were unaware of this signal. The women, I suppose, could be forgiven. But the ignorant men are not so easily excused. Do they just ignore ... Larry Craig, Coordination Crimes, and the Weirdest Law School Paper Ever

Law School Specialization @ UC Irvine?

Larry Ribstein offers a great post on the vision of law school specialization offered by Henry Manne which aimed to produce diversity between rather than within the law school. Larry discusses a recent potential example of this form of diversity at UC Irvine which has communicated an apparent interest specialization in the form of a ... Law School Specialization @ UC Irvine?

I am so smart, s-m-r-t. . . I mean, s-m-a-r-t.

I’m not one to gloat.  Ok, yes i am.  As Thom indicated, the court reached what I believe is the right result in the Whole Foods case yesterday.  I’ve been beating this drum since the merger challenge was announced (I won’t bother linking, yet again, to the series of posts.  Search for “Whole Foods” up ... I am so smart, s-m-r-t. . . I mean, s-m-a-r-t.

Manne Vindicated!

Geoff made all the right arguments on the FTC’s embarrassing effort to thwart the Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger. Indeed, he was one of the first to do so and thereby earned an honored link on Whole Foods’ website. Judge Paul Friedman of the United States District Court for the District of Columbia just denied the ... Manne Vindicated!

Read Marc Hodak

His short post is here.  The theme is, in essence, Bastiat’s “What is Seen and What is Not Seen.”  Government (and, oh, I don’t know . . . antitrust regulators in particular) thrive on the unseen–as Marc puts it, on the unfortunate reality that “invisible opportunity costs stay[] that way.”  As I argued at some ... Read Marc Hodak

The EC versus Intel: The SO is issued

To no one’s great surprise (other than that it took so long), the European Commission issued a Statement of Objections against Intel today.  More information as it becomes available. For those looking for a little insight into the case, you might be intrested in The FTC’s 1998 Complaint against Intel and the resulting Consent Decree (the entire case ... The EC versus Intel: The SO is issued

Chicago, Post-Chicago, Post-Post-Chicago: On Using Shorthand Labels Responsibly

Over the past few weeks I’ve read at least two dozen papers, mostly by legal scholars (but some by economists) employing or critiquing economic analysis of law, that use the term “Chicago School,” in a critical and misleading way.  Conventionally, use of this nomenclature comes along with a claim that “Chicago School” economics is code for a ... Chicago, Post-Chicago, Post-Post-Chicago: On Using Shorthand Labels Responsibly

Newsflash! AAI supports merger review!

In shocking news, the American Antitrust Institute has come out with a white paper suggesting that the FTC’s challenge of the Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger is warranted (HT: Hanno): The FTC cites to numerous factors and questions that make a highly compelling case for looking closely at whether a Whole Foods/Wild Oats combination will tend substantially to ... Newsflash! AAI supports merger review!

Evaluating Leegin

Thom’s excellent post covers most of the important points in Leegin and offers a fairly comprehensive critique of what I deemed to be a surprisingly weak dissent from Justice Breyer. As we’ve noted over and over here at TOTM, the death of Dr. Miles is clearly the right outcome judged based upon the underlying antitrust ... Evaluating Leegin

Whole Foods: Where's the [premium, natural and organic] beef?

John Mackey posts a remarkable public response to the FTC, including the complete text and extended exegesis of one of the inflammatory hot docs that prompted the FTC’s action.  But most amazing of all is this comment: The claims that the FTC makes in the above two paragraphs [from the FTC press release] are simply ... Whole Foods: Where's the [premium, natural and organic] beef?

FTC's Whole Foods complaint: still bulls**t

As Manfred reports over at the Antitrust Review, the judge has unsealed the FTC’s complaint against Whole Foods.  This unredacted version reveals an unhealthy reliance on hot docs by the FTC’s staff.  I won’t belabor the point.  But when you’re looking at marketing materials and reports to the board to identify anticompetitive intent (hmmm.  I ... FTC's Whole Foods complaint: still bulls**t

Premium natural and organic bulls**t

It appears that the FTC is moving to stop the proposed Whole Foods/Wild Oats merger. Says the FTC: If Whole Foods is allowed to devour Wild Oats, it will mean higher prices, reduced quality, and fewer choices for consumers [in the premium natural and organic supermarkets market]. That is a deal consumers should not be ... Premium natural and organic bulls**t