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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Antitrust Anachronism? Randy Picker on the Microsoft-Yahoo Search Deal

I recently commented on Gordon Crovitz’s WSJ column on the Microsoft-Yahoo deal arguing that antitrust was simply too cumbersome to deal competition issues in dynamic markets like search.  A short version of my take was that these concerns are often overstated in the areas of cartels and even sometimes in merger enforcement — but have ... Antitrust Anachronism? Randy Picker on the Microsoft-Yahoo Search Deal

Antitrust, Obsolescence and the "New Economy" (Again)

Gordon Crovitz (WSJ) plays the new economy card on antitrust.  Its a familiar wrap for those in the antitrust community that hit its peak in the original Microsoft days with virtually every competition policy scholar and commentator chiming in with an opinion about whether the internet and network effects and so forth rendered antitrust obsolete.  ... Antitrust, Obsolescence and the "New Economy" (Again)

Moneyball, GMU and the Future of Law and Economics

My colleague Ilya Somin insightfully defends against allegations of the death of Moneyball in baseball and legal academia — largely making the point that larger institutions with larger payrolls imitating the successful elements of the strategy.  There is more there, so go read the whole thing as well as an interesting comment thread.  Ilya points ... Moneyball, GMU and the Future of Law and Economics

EU Likely to Require A Browser Ballot Screen for Windows 7 in Europe

PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE BEFORE PROCEEDING: TOTM readers are encouraged at this point to pick among the following antitrust blogs for content before reading this post: Antitrust Review Antitrust & Competition Policy Antitrust Hotch Potch Global Competition Policy OK.  I thought that woud be funnier than it was. Moving on. It looks like the old/new ... EU Likely to Require A Browser Ballot Screen for Windows 7 in Europe

We're Back

Dear Readers: We apologize for the inactivity over the last two weeks.  We’ve been having some technical problems with the blog, but believe we now have them resolved. Look for a lot of activity here over the next few days as we try to make up for lost time! The Management

Available Now: Pioneers of Law and Economics

I’m very pleased to announce that my first book editing project (along with my colleague Lloyd Cohen), Pioneers of Law and Economics, is available on-line from Edward Elgar Publishing.  The book includes a series of specially commissioned essays designed to honor the founders of the law and economics enterprise.  From the book: The editors of ... Available Now: Pioneers of Law and Economics

Commissioner Rosch, Rhetoric, and the Relationship Between Economics and Antitrust

Economic theory is essential to antitrust law.  It is economic analysis that constrains antitrust law and harnesses it so that it is used to protect consumers rather than competitors.  And the relationship between economics and antitrust is responsible for the successful evolution of antitrust from its economically incoherent origins to its present state.  In my ... Commissioner Rosch, Rhetoric, and the Relationship Between Economics and Antitrust

Expanding Insurance Coverage Is Not the Way to Reduce Health Care Costs

As his Council of Economic Advisers made clear in its recent health care report, President Obama sees two primary goals for his health care reform efforts: to slow the growth of health care costs and to expand coverage of health insurance. It’s pretty clear, though, which of these goals is steering the ship. While the ... Expanding Insurance Coverage Is Not the Way to Reduce Health Care Costs

Will Section 2 Thwart the DOJ's New Antitrust Agenda?

George Priest has an excellent op-ed in the WSJ correctly calling out the Justice Department’s new Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney for attributing the financial crisis to a lack of antitrust enforcement: Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust Christine Varney claims that the Justice Department can aid economic recovery by prosecuting businesses that have been successful ... Will Section 2 Thwart the DOJ's New Antitrust Agenda?

Government Ownership of GM: Hands-Off Rhetoric Versus Jawboning Reality

In his recent speech on the GM bankruptcy, President Obama reassured Americans that the government, which now holds 60% of GM’s stock, is not going to try to take over management of the company: What we are not doing, what I have no interest in doing, is running GM. GM will be run by a ... Government Ownership of GM: Hands-Off Rhetoric Versus Jawboning Reality

Economics in one lesson

Several people, including Josh, have drawn my attention to John Hasnas’ excellent op-ed on the Sotomayor nomination in the WSJ last week.  Just in case you don’t read the same blogs I do, I thought I’d highlight it here.  It is brilliant.  Here’s a taste: One can have compassion for workers who lose their jobs ... Economics in one lesson

Revisionist corporate governance

If you haven’t been living under a rock recently, you’ve seen an incredible amount of hand wringing–and proposed regulation–around “excessive compensation.”  I’m a little too lazy to amass all the relevant links here, but both the administration and the congress are introducing regulations/bills and talking about the issue extensively. Commentators, too, have gotten in on ... Revisionist corporate governance