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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Fix the Supply Side

Do the Merger Guidelines need revision? No.  Thanks for having me. OK. Yes–and market definition/market shares, and in particular the effective incorporation of supply-side effects, seem to me like the most pressing issues in need of attention. Judge Posner, in the first edition of his justly celebrated Antitrust Law, noted that market definition was an ... Fix the Supply Side

"Standardizing" the Horizontal Merger Guidelines

I’m confident that my esteemed colleagues, who have far more expertise about the merger guidelines than I, will offer all sorts of terrific ideas for revising the substance of the guidelines. While I would certainly advocate a few specific changes (i.e., revise the HHI thresholds to reflect actual agency practice), I’ll leave the devilish details ... "Standardizing" the Horizontal Merger Guidelines

Coming Soon: Day 2 of the TOTM Merger Guidelines Symposium

The Day 1 posts are up and available.  But we’re not done yet.  We have seven more coming tomorrow from Dan Crane, Andy Gavil, Herbert Hovenkamp, Joseph Simons, Thom Lambert, Geoff Manne, Danny Sokol and Paul Yde. In the meantime, please peruse the first installment of posts and feel free to comment! Joe Farrell, Welcome ... Coming Soon: Day 2 of the TOTM Merger Guidelines Symposium

Welcome to the Truth on the Market Merger Guidelines Symposium

With the recent DOJ and FTC announcement that they will solicit public comment and hold joint workshops to explore the possibility of “updating” the Horizontal Merger Guidelines (“HMG”) in December 2009 and January 2010, the attention of the antitrust community has turned away from the heated Section 2 debates (the subject of our last symposium) ... Welcome to the Truth on the Market Merger Guidelines Symposium

Learning to Love Insider Trading

Today’s Wall Street Journal includes a terrific article explaining why insider trading should be deregulated. Following up on last week’s high-profile insider trading charges, George Mason economist Don Boudreaux, whose Cafe Hayek posts are essential reading, succinctly sets forth the deregulatory position (which was first and most famously articulated by Geoff’s dad, Henry Manne). Boudreaux ... Learning to Love Insider Trading

Forget California. Command and control in spades at the Treasury

Well, he warned us.  But now that it’s here it sounds so incredible. Under the plan, which will be announced in the next few days by the Treasury Department, the seven companies that received the most assistance [from the various US government bailouts] will have to cut the cash payouts to their 25 best-paid executives ... Forget California. Command and control in spades at the Treasury

Command and control in California. Shocking.

In a move stupider even than Chicago’s foie gras and trans fat bans (on which see Thom here), California appears to be set to ban . . . wait for it . . . big TVs.  Environmentalists, those growing enemies of freedom and common sense everywhere, are pushing the ban because large-screen TVs use a ... Command and control in California. Shocking.

The Limits of Antitrust in the New Economy

Josh and I have just posted a draft of our new article, The Limits of Antitrust in the New Economy. We’ll be presenting it at the Searle Center Research Roundtable on the 25th Anniversary of Frank Easterbrook’s essential article, The Limits of Antitrust, next week. Here’s the abstract: This paper offers an opportunity to reflect ... The Limits of Antitrust in the New Economy

Response to Steve Salop on credit card antitrust

Steve’s post responding to me and Josh on antitrust exemptions and buyer cartels raised a number of interesting issues.   A few points in response: 1.  Constantine’s book is quite a measured look at the case (not).  I love how he risked everything — everything! — for the case.  He and the country’s other contingency fee ... Response to Steve Salop on credit card antitrust

Mark Your Calendars: TOTM Merger Guidelines Symposium

Due to a reader interest and a larger than expected number of expected submissions, the Truth on the Market Merger Guidelines Symposium is now a two day event: Monday October 26th and Tuesday October 27th. Participants: Because we are are now spread out over a few more days, feel free to aim for the 300-500 ... Mark Your Calendars: TOTM Merger Guidelines Symposium

Brad DeLong's head must have already exploded before he wrote this

I have no intention of wading into the debate over the climate change chapter in Superfreakonomics.  I’m sure you all know the controversy:  Levitt and Dubner had the temerity to suggest that global warming was a huge problem, that we should look hard for really expensive solutions, and we need to do something.  And the ... Brad DeLong's head must have already exploded before he wrote this

Announcement: TOTM Merger Guidelines Blog Symposium is Coming!

In light of the DOJ/FTC announcement of workshops to explore possible revisions to the Merger Guidelines in December 2009 and January 2010, TOTM is organizing a symposium on the legal and economic issues associated with the Guidelines.  In particular, we’ve asked a panel of a dozen or so of the leading antitrust lawyers and economists ... Announcement: TOTM Merger Guidelines Blog Symposium is Coming!