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Showing results for:  “sirius xm merger”

Commissioner Rosch on the (Smaller?) Role of Economists in Antitrust Litigation

From FTC Commissioner Rosch: Personally, I think simulation analyses and indeed any kind of economic analyses that require the use of mathematical formulae are of little persuasive value in the courtroom setting. When I see an economic formula my eyes start to glaze over, and if the formula uses Greek letters I tend to think ... Commissioner Rosch on the (Smaller?) Role of Economists in Antitrust Litigation

Some Links

Tom Barnett on “Current Issues in Merger Enforcement” — offering a defense against claims that the DOJ has been especially inactive in merger enforcement (see, e.g., this paper from Jon Baker and Carl Shapiro) and its decision not to challenge the Whirlpool/ Maytag transaction (see Geoff‘s earlier post) Avner Grief responds (“The claim that merchants’ ... Some Links


New Global Competition Policy: Class Cert & Merger Review in the UK

The new issue is available here, and features the following articles in Class Certification and Antitrust Actions: Why Economics Now Matters for Antitrust Class Actions at the Class Certification Stage by Wendy Bloom (Kirkland & Ellis) The Potential Impact of Twombly on Antitrust Class Actions by Wendy Bloom (Kirkland & Ellis) and James Langenfeld (LECG) ... New Global Competition Policy: Class Cert & Merger Review in the UK

Interesting Panel on FTC Merger Litigation — June 5

Antitrusters in D.C. ought to head to the National Press Club at noon on Thursday, June 5. At that time, the Federalist Society’s Corporations, Securities, and Antitrust Practice Group will host a panel discussion entitled Assessing Recent FTC Merger Litigation: One Win, One Loss, One Tie. Here’s a description of the event: The Federal Trade ... Interesting Panel on FTC Merger Litigation — June 5

And the Clear Channel litigation will not continue….

The news just broke that the Clear Channel acquisition litigation – both in Texas and New York – is on the road to being settled, with the parties having penned a new set of agreements tonight, providing for the acquisition of Clear Channel by Thomas H. Lee Partners and Bain Capital, with the Clear Channel shareholders ... And the Clear Channel litigation will not continue….

Clear Channel Litigation Is Going To Trial! Or not….

I have just been told by someone who attended the 10:45 a.m. hearing this morning in Justice Helen Freedman’s courtroom in New York state court that the Clear Channel litigation brought by private equity buyers against their lenders – the litigation that the media kept saying over the past two days was *about* to settle – ... Clear Channel Litigation Is Going To Trial! Or not….

Microsoft Withdraws Its Bid For Yahoo!

This just in: Microsoft withdrew its most recent bid for Yahoo and announced it will not be making a hostile move for Yahoo. This comes on the heels of the announcement a mere day ago that Yahoo and Microsoft were sitting down to try to hammer out a friendly deal.  Fickle, that Microsoft is! Allow ... Microsoft Withdraws Its Bid For Yahoo!

The "New" Issue of JLE is Online

The new issue of the Journal of Law & Economics is available online. This is an exciting development for me because the issue includes my paper with Ben Klein on The Economics of Slotting Contracts (SSRN version available here), and because it has been a very long wait to see the paper in final form ... The "New" Issue of JLE is Online

The Economics of Post-Merger Product Repositioning

Amit Gandhi, Luke Froeb, Steven Tschantz and Gregory Werden have published “Post-Merger Product Repositioning” in the Journal of Industrial Economics.  (HT: Luke).  The critical insight is that the conventional unilateral effect incentive to raise prices post-merger is offset by the incentive to “separate” in product space.  Here is the abstract: This paper analyzes the effects ... The Economics of Post-Merger Product Repositioning

Merger Agreements, “Material Adverse Changes,” and Delaware Vice Chancellor Leo Strine’s Obsession With Keira Knightley

I am blogging today from the Tulane Corporate Law Institute, here in New Orleans, at the stunning Westin Hotel. I am set to appear on the Private Equity panel tomorrow, where I will talk about, among other things, the implications of 2007’s string of failed private equity deals.  In preparation for this conference, I drafted a ... Merger Agreements, “Material Adverse Changes,” and Delaware Vice Chancellor Leo Strine’s Obsession With Keira Knightley

One More Thought on Ex Ante Competition and Merger Analysis

One last issue with respect to ex ante competition and merger analysis.  What if it could be demonstrated convincingly that XM and Sirius payments to automobile manufacturers. The DOJ hints at this possibility in the press release: XM and Sirius engaged in head-to-head competition for the right to distribute their products and services through each ... One More Thought on Ex Ante Competition and Merger Analysis

Competition for the Field, Sirius/XM and Shelf Space

Geoff and Paul like the result in XM/ Sirius but are puzzled by the DOJ press release, in particular as it pertains to analyzing ex ante competition, or “competition for the field,” in the form of payments to automobile manufacturers to adopt their services. Geoff thinks the DOJ’s press release contains some funny language appearing ... Competition for the Field, Sirius/XM and Shelf Space