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Showing results for:  “Michael Vita”

GMU/ Mercatus Symposium: Anticompetitive Barriers to E-Commerce

GMU Law and the Mercatus Center are jointly presenting a symposium on “Anticompetitive Barriers to E-Commerce,” Wednesday, May 24th from 8 am to 5pm. The symposium announcement is here. The agenda is here. Kenneth Starr is the keynote speaker and will be presenting his thoughts on “The Commerce Clause and E-Commerce.” Other speakers tentatively listed ... GMU/ Mercatus Symposium: Anticompetitive Barriers to E-Commerce

In Defense of Short-Selling

In today’s W$J, Holman Jenkins stands up for short-sellers, and rightly so. Those folks have taken a bit of a beating lately. They’ve been sued by companies like Biovail and and trashed on talk shows like CBS’s 60 Minutes. [NOTE: I originally linked to the 60 Minutes segment, but I just realized that the ... In Defense of Short-Selling

Globetrotters Update

Sports Law Blog’s Michael McCann updates our recent discussion (me: here and here; and Professor McCann here) of the Harlem Ambassadors’ complaint to the FTC regarding the Globetrotters’ use of exclusivity windows in sports arena leases. In response to our debate, the Harlem Ambassadors’ founder and president Dale Moss emailed us some very interesting comments. ... Globetrotters Update

What I Did on My Blog Vacation

So I’ve been a little absent from the blog lately. Sorry about that. I have a decent excuse. As our law prof readers know, but others might not, this is prime article submission season. The conventional wisdom is that it’s best your get your article into the hands of newly minted law review editors right ... What I Did on My Blog Vacation

New Blog on Empirical Legal Studies

The Empirical Legal Studies Blog—a collaborative effort of Jason Czarnezki (Marquette), Michael Heise (Cornell), William Ford (Chicago), and Theodore Eisenberg (Cornell)—launched today at Its purpose is to “advance productive and interdisciplinary discourse among empirical legal scholars.” Welcome to the blogosphere ELS! p.s: I noticed your site is lacking “TM”s. You may want to slap ... New Blog on Empirical Legal Studies

ABA: You MUST follow the law. (Unless we don’t like it.)

WARNING: This post is off-topic for this blog (it doesn’t relate to markets). If that bothers you, don’t read any further. Moroever, I do not purport to speak for my co-bloggers. Their opinions of the issue discussed below may differ from my own. Having issued those caveats, I cannot resist making one more comment (my ... ABA: You MUST follow the law. (Unless we don’t like it.)

On disclosure, a continuing series

We all know that our securities regulatory regime is predominantly a disclosure regime, meaning the regulators, for the most part, don’t impose substantive regulations on securities issuers, but require only accurate, timely disclosure of certain information. And as against a more intrusive, substantive regime, I think this is preferable, even in its current, fairly intrusive ... On disclosure, a continuing series