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Showing results for:  “Michael Vita”

Should the Supreme Court Grant Cert in Rambus (Revisited, and Cross-Posted at Patently-O)

[Rutgers Professor Michael Carrier recently posted as a guest at Patently-O arguing in favor of the FTC’s position in Rambus and the Supreme Court granting certiorari.  I thought Professor Crouch might be interested in sharing with his readers a different perspective on the merits of the FTC’s petition for cert in Rambus sketched out in ... Should the Supreme Court Grant Cert in Rambus (Revisited, and Cross-Posted at Patently-O)

Taking On Lebron: What's the Impact of a Gold Medal Performance?

Stories like this one suggest that winning Olympic gold in Beijing have catapulted team members into better seasons.   Here’s a quote from Lebron James: “To win the gold just uplifted all of us into this season.  A lot of people were wondering if we’d hit a wall because we played in the Olympics. But ... Taking On Lebron: What's the Impact of a Gold Medal Performance?

Dominant Incumbent, Meet the New Entrant

The new Competition Law Center at George Washington University School of Law (see earlier post at ACP here), funded by a $5.1 million cy pres award from alum and plaintiff’s lawyer Michael Hausfeld (formerly of Cohen, Milsten Hausfeld and Toll, now Cohen, Milsten, Sellers and Toll) will be providing some competition to the nearby American ... Dominant Incumbent, Meet the New Entrant

Top Ten Antitrust Articles of 2008

Its the time for end of the year lists. In conjunction with Danny Sokol’s survey of nominations for article of the year in 2008 (here are last year’s entries and here’s my list of the top 10 from last year), and without further ado, here are my personal, idiosyncratic, completely non-scientifically derived top 10 antitrust ... Top Ten Antitrust Articles of 2008

Interim Final Rules Amending Parts III and IV Rules of FTC Rules of Practice Issued

The FTC announced today that it has approved a notice adopting interim final rules amending Parts III and IV of its rules of practice. As boring as that sound, this is a big deal. Here is the Federal Register notice. There are a number of changes, for instance, deadlines are imposed to expedite the pre-hearing ... Interim Final Rules Amending Parts III and IV Rules of FTC Rules of Practice Issued

Price Discrimination is Good, Part 3

At Knowledge Problem, Michael Giberson collects anecdotal evidence on New York’s zone pricing ban, i.e. a prohibition on price discrimination. While gasoline prices are falling all over the country, the anecdotal evidence is that New York’s zone pricing ban is resulting in higher profits for retailers at the expense of consumers. Former George Mason economist ... Price Discrimination is Good, Part 3

American Airlines Announces New Pricing Scheme

At least, thats what the Onion (the go to source for antitrust humor, by the way) headline says: American Airlines Now Charging Fees To Non-Passengers December 1, 2008 | Issue 44•49 FORT WORTH, TX—Cash-strapped American Airlines announced a new series of fees this week that will apply to all customers not currently flying, scheduled to ... American Airlines Announces New Pricing Scheme

Antitrust Contests

Director of the FTC Bureau of Economics Michael Baye posted slides of Antitrust Contests from a conference presentation in Stockholm. I am a co-author on the project along with FTC economist Paul Pautler. The paper is an attempt to structurally estimate a Tullock contest model of antitrust litigation using some unique data on economic labor ... Antitrust Contests

Fannie and Freddie as "Greater Fools"

Today’s New York Times features an op-ed by Michigan Law Professor Michael Barr and former Clinton advisor Gene Sperling that (somewhat predictably) blames our current financial mess on a lack of “common sense regulation” and exonerates the Community Reinvestment Act, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac. I propose a counter-narrative. It begins with a nutshell version ... Fannie and Freddie as "Greater Fools"

A Separate FTC Section 2 Report?

[UPDATE: I misread Kroes’ speech in a rush.  As a loyal blog reader points out, Kroes was obviously referring to the European Commission’s release of its own report, not the Federal Trade Commission.  Oops.].  I’ve discussed some problems with the FTC statement in response to DOJ’s release of the Section 2 Report.  In particular, I criticized some ... A Separate FTC Section 2 Report?

Antitrust Week in Chicago

Speaking of law and economics in Chicago, its the place to be for antitrust next week. On Thursday, the FTC at 100 series will continue at Northwestern University School of Law where I’ll be on a panel discussing the FTC’s competition mission after lunch along with Thomas Campbell, Randy Picker, and Robert Pratt.  The antitrust ... Antitrust Week in Chicago

EU/US Convergence in Competition Policy

FTC Chairman William Kovacic, easily one of the most insightful thinkers and writers on issues of global competition policy, has posted a new paper offering a thoughtful analysis of where the EU and US competition policy systems have been, where they are going, what institutional differences might cause the systems to converge or diverge further, ... EU/US Convergence in Competition Policy