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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Feeding at the trough

I love it!  Today saw the “biggest presidential election day rally [in the stock markets] in 24 years.”  And why, you ask?  Is it because the seemingly-certain Obama victory has calmed all our fears of economic catastrophe (to say nothing of terrorist-induced catastrophe)?  Nope.  According to Bloomberg, U.S. stocks advanced in the biggest presidential Election ... Feeding at the trough

The mirage of lawyer discipline

The Des Moines Register (HT Law Blog) reports that the Iowa Supreme Court is considering offering lawyers the option of agreeing to expedited law license suspension in exchange for confidentiality: Under the proposed rule change, lawyers suspended for stealing from clients, drug and alcohol problems, and neglecting important cases could hide what they did and ... The mirage of lawyer discipline

Nobel Prize to Hurwicz, Maskin and Myerson

“for having laid the foundations of mechanism design theory.” Here’s a blurb from the Nobel website on mechanism design: Mechanism design theory, initiated by Leonid Hurwicz and further developed by Eric Maskin and Roger Myerson, has greatly enhanced our understanding of the properties of optimal allocation mechanisms in such situations, accounting for individuals’ incentives and ... Nobel Prize to Hurwicz, Maskin and Myerson

A few tidbits about Herb Hovenkamp

Our friends at Chillin’ Competition have a short interview with Herb Hovenkamp up as part of their “Friday Slot” series.  Here are a couple of tidbits to entice you to go read the whole thing: “Oscar” of the best antitrust law book? Non-antitrust book? Best Antitrust Book:  Oliver E. Williamson, Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications (1975). ... A few tidbits about Herb Hovenkamp

Taking Price Gouging Laws Seriously

Over at Organization and Markets, Peter Klein notes that consumers have been exploiting producers by taking advantage of market conditions, reducing their demand for gasoline, and earning windfall profits.

Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards 2012

The Institute for Competition Law and GW Law have put together the Antitrust Writing Awards.  You can vote on academic or business articles here.  I’m very pleased to report that one of my articles — Does Antitrust Enforcement in High-Tech Markets Benefit Consumers?  Stock Price Evidence from FTC v. Intel (Review of Industrial Organization) — ... Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards 2012

Who Does Best on the GRE?

Greg Mankiw links to a chart which provides the evidence (or click here for the larger version). The answer is physics (1899), math (1877), computer science (1862) and, of course, economics (1857) … followed by a handful of engineering majors and philosophy. Though, as Brian Leiter has happily reported in the past, and is still ... Who Does Best on the GRE?

New Yorker captions and the law

For years I’ve been trying to win the New Yorker caption contest.  After repeated failure I’ve finally decided my problem is that I’m not a typical New Yorker reader.  Which means that I read the Wall Street Journal. So now the WSJ has a story (who will read it?) on other people who have had ... New Yorker captions and the law

The Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick Maker (2.0)

My colleague Tom Hazlett strikes again in Barron’s on Google’s transformation from its initial reluctance to advertise and its desire to stick to the non-profit sector to an unrelenting market driven approach to its discovery that search-term clicks were … well … profitable. Here’s Hazlett: They discovered that Google’s clean page layout provided a clean ... The Butcher, the Baker and the Candlestick Maker (2.0)

Social Search, Efficiencies of Integration, and Antitrust

The web is all abuzz about possible antitrust implications concerning Google’s new personalized search (see, e.g., here and here), integrating search with Google Plus.  Here is Google’s description of “Search, plus Your World”: We’re transforming Google into a search engine that understands not only content, but also people and relationships. We began this transformation with ... Social Search, Efficiencies of Integration, and Antitrust

The Best Antitrust Articles of 2007

Danny Sokol has collected picks from antitrust specialists around the globe. There were plenty of excellent articles and books to pick from but I ultimately selected this article from Keith Hylton and Fei Deng and this book on the Microsoft Case from Bill Page and John Lopatka. You can see the rest of the picks ... The Best Antitrust Articles of 2007

Is Britney the QWERTY Keyboard of Pop Culture?

I thought I would be safe in church. I thought I could avoid her there. But no, the minister had to mention Britney Spears during the sermon Sunday morning. I think the reference had something to do with keeping perspective and the ridiculousness of a motorcade escort to UCLA medical center. I’m not really sure. ... Is Britney the QWERTY Keyboard of Pop Culture?