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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Clinton, Obama, and Wal-Mart

At his new and excellent blog Hodak Value, frequent TOTM commentor Marc Hodak offers the following in response to a post at the Daily Kos implying that Wal-Mart’s treatment of its workers should give rise to a level of concern similar to that of the Rwandan genocide: My standard for concern about an organization is ... Clinton, Obama, and Wal-Mart

Is anyone else terrified that the fate of the economy hangs in Maxine Waters' hands?

Yes, actually.  I was going to write a post on this topic, but then Megan McArdle said pretty much what I wanted to say, only snarkier and pithier.  A taste, but read the whole thing: But this woman is sitting on the House Financial Services Committee.  She is supposed to help craft the bills that ... Is anyone else terrified that the fate of the economy hangs in Maxine Waters' hands?

Competitive Resale Price Maintenance in the Absence of Free-Riding

I want to second Josh’s commendation of Ben Klein’s submission to the recent FTC Hearings on Resale Price Maintenance. Klein’s paper, which bears the same title as this post, is lucidly written (blissfully free of equations, Greek letters, etc.) and makes a point that, at this juncture in antitrust’s history, is absolutely crucial. In the ... Competitive Resale Price Maintenance in the Absence of Free-Riding

Cert Denied in Rambus

Hot off the press (HT: Antitrust Review). As TOTM readers will know, I think this is the correct result as I’ve argued here that the Supreme Court should indeed reject the Commission’s petition. I also believe the rejection is consistent with the Supreme Court’s antitrust case selection under Chief Justice Roberts in the sense that, ... Cert Denied in Rambus

Unquestionably Correct?

An anonymous reader reminds me of the FTC Statement from Commissioners Harbour, Leibowitz and Rosch (but not Chairman Kovacic, who was recused) making the case against certiorari in Linkline: “The holding of the Ninth Circuit is unquestionably correct, and indeed merely echoes what other courts of appeals have held on the narrow issue presented to ... Unquestionably Correct?

Helpful Law Review Articles?

Adam Liptak, in the NYT, penned an interesting article on the declining level of usefulness that law review articles appear to have in judicial opinions.  (Orrin Kerr has a nice post on the article.) Various quotes in the article make clear that some members of the judiciary do not find law review articles particularly helpful in deciding ... Helpful Law Review Articles?

Verses on Self-Preferencing

About earth’s creatures great and small,Devices clever as can be,I see foremost a ruthless power;You, their ingenuity. You see the beak upon the finch;I, the beaked skeleton.You see the wonders that they are;I, the things that might have been. You see th’included batteriesI, the poor excluded ones.You, the phone that simply works;I, restrain’d competition. ’Twould ... Verses on Self-Preferencing

Winter in Helsinki

Jouko Hiltunen gazed out the window into the midday twilight. Eight stories down, across the plaza and promenade, the Helsinki harbor was already blanketed under a dusting of snow. By Christmas, the ice would be thick enough for walking out to the castle at Suomenlinna. Jouko turned back to his computer screen. His fingers found ... Winter in Helsinki

Why Restoring Internet Freedom Was a Landmark Accomplishment

I am pleased to participate in this retrospective symposium regarding Ajit Pai’s tenure as Federal Communications Commission chairman. I have been closely involved in communications law and policy for nearly 45 years, and, as I’ve said several times since Chairman Pai announced his departure, he will leave as one of the most consequential leaders in ... Why Restoring Internet Freedom Was a Landmark Accomplishment


The SEC’s crackdown on efficient markets

Holman Jenkins has some thoughts on what he calls the insanity of the rumored government initiative against insider trading: Society is served * * * when investors and management get the best possible feedback on what products and services and business models are most demanded by the public. The SEC has a different view. * ... The SEC’s crackdown on efficient markets

Insurance markets in everything …

As the guys at MR would say…(ESPN).   Hair insurance edition:  Just call Troy Polamalu the man with the million dollar hair.  The long, flowing black hair that tumbles out of Polamalu’s helmet and down his back — it’s nearly three feet long — has been insured for $1 million by Head and Shoulders, the shampoo ... Insurance markets in everything …