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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Three Big Pitfalls in the Way of Lina Khan’s Agenda

In a recent op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, Svetlana Gans and Eugene Scalia look at three potential traps the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) could trigger if it pursues the aggressive rulemaking agenda many have long been expecting. From their opening: FTC Chairman Lina Khan has Rooseveltian ambitions for the agency. … Within weeks the FTC is ... Three Big Pitfalls in the Way of Lina Khan’s Agenda

Opening the US securities markets

Larry makes a strong argument below for why the proposed SEC rules changes reported today in the WSJ should not be heralded as some great opening up of US securities markets, but that the changes are little more than political posturing to prevent addressing the real problem of the costs imposed by securities regulation more ... Opening the US securities markets

Abramowicz on Prediction Markets at the VC

GW Lawprof Michael Abramowicz is guest blogging over at the Volokh Conspiracy on the virtues of prediction markets and his new book: Predictocracy.

Ted Frank wins bet, loses to capital markets

Per the Law Blog, the market either wasn’t very surprised by the Dukes ruling, or was already worrying about something else by the time Ted could cash in. Kind of figured that would happen. I still think lawyers can make money from capital markets, but they’ll need to partner with capitalists.

Prediction Markets & XM/Sirius

I had never heard of Intrade before.  Maybe I live in a hole. Let’s see here:  I’d love to short the bid for Dec. 07 if it wasn’t at zero.  No way I’d touch the 10 ask.  I think there’s over a 90% chance this goes into next year.  The bid/ask spread is so big for ... Prediction Markets & XM/Sirius

Google seeks exemption from Investment Company Act

According to this WSJ article, Google has asked the SEC to declare that Google is not an “investment company” and therefore not subject to the Investment Company Act of 1940. This seems like an odd request, but it highlights the broad sweep of the definition of investment company. Section 3(a)(1)(C) of the ICA provides that ... Google seeks exemption from Investment Company Act

Dow Jones Board Action: Nice exam question

Does a bid for Dow Jones implicate Revlon duties?  Can a board “just say no”?  What if the Board says nothing, b/c they know a majority of their s/h will not vote for the acquisition?  This is the stuff good Corporations or M&A exam questions are made of.  Luckily, counsel to the Dow Jones Board must have paid ... Dow Jones Board Action: Nice exam question

Vonage Class Action in the Works

The New York Post is reporting (see here) that a law firm is trying to put together a class action of those who purchased shares in Vonage’s IPO through its directed share program.  As discussed here and here, the marketing of the program ran afoul of some technical SEC requirements.

Is the Stimulus Package Obama’s Patriot Act?

Why are the proponents of the stimulus package so reluctant to have a serious, non ad hominem-laden debate about whether it will, in fact, stimulate the economy? Because that’s not really its point. As Steve Horwitz explains: Bottom line: the more that those of us who are skeptical continue to even refer to this as ... Is the Stimulus Package Obama’s Patriot Act?

The Twitter campaign for the STOCK act

Professor Bainbridge is urging his readers to pressure Eric Cantor into dropping his opposition to pending legislation that would ban Congressional insider trading.  But before you Twitter Cantor, please read Todd Henderson and my Politico column, in which we make the following point, among others: A prohibition on trading would be impossible to enforce because ... The Twitter campaign for the STOCK act


Retrospective on Ajit Pai’s Tenure as FCC Chairman

As we ponder the changes to FCC policy that may arise with the next administration, it’s also a timely opportunity to reflect on the chairman’s leadership at the agency and his influence on telecommunications policy more broadly. Indeed, the FCC has faced numerous challenges and opportunities over the past four years, with implications for a ... Retrospective on Ajit Pai’s Tenure as FCC Chairman

FCC Approves Comcast-NBC Merger With Conditions

While the FCC has announced its approval of the Comcast-NBC deal, The problem of overlapping agency review of mergers arises once again.  We’ve discussed previously the costs of FCC merger view, and in particular, the issues of delay and imposition of conditions unrelated to the merger.  The FCC review of the Comcast-NBC deal appears to ... FCC Approves Comcast-NBC Merger With Conditions