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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Antitrust and the Midterm Elections

What do the midterm election results mean for antitrust, if anything?  According to the American Antitrust Institute, not much: Despite predictions that the new Congress will result in a dramatically changed climate for business, the American Antitrust Institute (AAI) predicts that the election will have relatively little impact on the enforcement of the nation’s antitrust ... Antitrust and the Midterm Elections

Nacchio’s Puzzling Insider Trading Defense, Part II

I’m really starting to worry about the lawyers for former Qwest CEO, Joseph Nacchio. (I first expressed concern here.) Mr. Nacchio has been charged with 42 counts of criminal insider trading. The charges are based on allegations that Mr. Nacchio learned, after Qwest had made some rosy public statements, that business wasn’t going as well ... Nacchio’s Puzzling Insider Trading Defense, Part II

The Supremes: Congress messed up SOX but no big deal

The PCAOB members’ tenure unconstitutionally insulated them from executive supervision, but in David Zaring’s succinct summary The remedy is the key, and although the Court didn’t explain the remedy too clearly, it basically excised the removal protections, making members of the PCAOB removable at will by the President * * * and handed petitioners a ... The Supremes: Congress messed up SOX but no big deal

Tad Lipsky on Lessons From the Section 2 Context

The FTC’s struggle to provide guidance for its enforcement of Section 5’s Unfair Methods of Competition (UMC) clause (or not – some oppose the provision of forward guidance by the agency, much as one occasionally heard opposition to the concept of merger guidelines in 1968 and again in 1982) could evoke a much broader long-run ... Tad Lipsky on Lessons From the Section 2 Context

Intel, Dell, and Some Costs of Disclosing Rebates

Intel’s rebates are apparently given rise to a potentially whole new class of suits based on the notion recipients of the rebates at the center of the Commission’s antitrust action should have been disclosed.   The WSJ reports: Dell said last week that it and Mr. Dell were in talks with the Securities and Exchange ... Intel, Dell, and Some Costs of Disclosing Rebates

Krugman on private equity

Paul Krugman, writing in Thursday’s NYT, sees Romney as a real life version of Oliver Stone’s Gordon Gekko in the film Wall Street.  He characterizes Romney and his private equity ilk as job-destroyers, and argues that they should be taxed (and presumably also regulated) accordingly. He contrasts this with the supposed position of the GOP ... Krugman on private equity

The Value of Injunctions — Douglas Dynamics v. Buyers Products Co. (Fed. Cir. May 21, 2013)

Over at the blog for the Center for the Protection of Intellectual Property, I posted a short essay discussing the Federal Circuit’s recent decision in Douglas Dynamics v. Buyers Products (Fed. Cir. May 21, 2013).  Here’s a small taste: The Federal Circuit’s recent decision in Douglas Dynamics, LLC, v. Buyers Products Co. (Fed. Cir. May ... The Value of Injunctions — Douglas Dynamics v. Buyers Products Co. (Fed. Cir. May 21, 2013)

Walter Williams on the "Truly Disgusting" Internet Gambling Crackdown

Here’s a taste: If the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act is approved, it will become a precedent for congressional control over other aspects of the Internet and an important loss in our liberty. Let’s follow the money and ask who benefits should the law be passed. What about legal gambling establishments in Las Vegas, Atlantic City ... Walter Williams on the "Truly Disgusting" Internet Gambling Crackdown

Sex and the business association

Should domestic relationships be modeled on corporations, partnerships or other business associations?  This idea may seem attractive.  As I have argued, both business and family relationships can be viewed as standard forms, which are useful for filling gaps in long-term contractual relationships.  Borrowing contract-type thinking from business associations also could help break through the norm-driven ... Sex and the business association

AAI’s Antitrust Jury Instruction Project: A good idea in theory, but…

The American Antitrust Institute has announced plans to draft a comprehensive set of jury instructions for antitrust trials.  According to AAI president Bert Foer: In Sherman Act Section 1 and Section 2 civil cases, judges tend to gravitate towards the ABA Model Instructions as the gold standard for impartial instructions. … The AAI believes the ABA model ... AAI’s Antitrust Jury Instruction Project: A good idea in theory, but…

Tesla and the Auto Dealers Lobby

In Continental T.V. v. GTE Sylvania (1977), Justice Powell observed that antitrust law should go easy on manufacturer restraints on dealer resale because manufacturers could always decide to integrate forward into distribution and bypass dealers altogether.  As anyone who has followed electric car manufacturer Tesla’s recent travails will know, Justice Powell’s observation is not true ... Tesla and the Auto Dealers Lobby

The ineffectiveness of internal controls reporting

We have heard much about the costs of internal controls reporting under SOX 404. Proponents argue that the fraud reduction is worth the costs.  One might question this in light of anecdotes like all the missing cash at MF Global (and many other post-SOX securities fraud suits where auditors and executives had signed off on ... The ineffectiveness of internal controls reporting