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Showing results for:  “premium natural and organic”

We Are Not Just Going to Stand Here, We Are Going to Do Something!

That seems to be the message of presidential candidate/ Senator Barak Obama’s response to the American Antitrust Institute’s questions on antitrust (HT: Antitrust Review). First off, kudos to Obama for stating his position on antitrust in a public forum. I hope the rest of the candidates will do the same. Do go read the whole ... We Are Not Just Going to Stand Here, We Are Going to Do Something!

Why the Affordable Care Act, as Construed by the Supreme Court, Will Fail

I’ve recently posted to SSRN a new paper with the same name as this post.  The paper asserts, in greater detail, a number of points I’ve previously made on TOTM: Health insurance premiums will rise under the (SCOTUS-modified) ACA, because the Act’s “guaranteed issue” and “community rating” mandates will generate widespread adverse selection that cannot be ... Why the Affordable Care Act, as Construed by the Supreme Court, Will Fail

Professor Bainbridge's Complete Guide to Sarbanes-Oxley

Is available here. Here is the description: Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in response to major corporate and accounting scandals–and many consider the act to be the most significant change in corporate governance and securities regulations in the past seventy years. SOX requirements have brought about far-reaching changes for public corporations, private corporations, and nonprofits. ... Professor Bainbridge's Complete Guide to Sarbanes-Oxley

SSRN Top Tens for Corporate, Corporate Governance, and Securities Law

The current SSRN top tens for corporate, corporate governance, and securities law are after the jump.

Cablevision Buyout

Last week the Dolan family announced an offer to take Cablevision private. The family owns 22.5% of Cablevision’s common stock. However, Cablevision has a dual capitalization consisting of one-vote-per-share Class A stock (which trades on the NYSE) and ten-vote-per-share Class B Stock (which is not publicly traded). The Dolan family owns all of the Class ... Cablevision Buyout

Study of Beauty in Politics

A reader of this blog asked me to post the following: Several studies document that beauty plays a role in the labor market: beautiful people earn more than others. Three economists are conducting a study to see whether there is a beauty premium in politics as well, such that beautiful candidates have greater electoral success. ... Study of Beauty in Politics

Robert Reich on the Massachusetts Health Care Plan

Today’s “Marketplace” program on NPR featured a commentary by Robert Reich (audio available here), in which the former labor secretary sang the virtues of Massachusetts’ new health insurance law. Reich emphasized a couple of times that the Massachusetts plan wouldn’t involve any new taxes. That aspect, he said, might make the plan attractive to the ... Robert Reich on the Massachusetts Health Care Plan

Are Buyout Funds Appropriating Profits?

Today’s NYT has a sobering article entitled Public Companies, Singing the Blues. The article discusses a question raised by Daniel Loeb, a famous hedge fund manager, at a dinner of buyout kings in Davos, Switzerland (the site of the World Economic Forum). Loeb’s question: “Why can buyout firms take public companies private and make enormous ... Are Buyout Funds Appropriating Profits?

The Economics of Being Able to Fire People Who Provide Me Services

Via Professor Bainbridge, I read today about the nonsense surrounding Mitt Romney enjoying firing people.  I’m late to the this one, but here is the quote in context for anybody who missed it: “I want individuals to have their own insurance,” he said. “That means the insurance company will have an incentive to keep you ... The Economics of Being Able to Fire People Who Provide Me Services

The Economic Benefits of Secrecy

The ABA Journal (HT: Steve Salop) has an interesting item suggesting that Jones Day’s policy of keeping compensation secret might be paying dividends in a tough economic climate: Jones Day’s secrecy surrounding compensation may be aiding its rapid expansion in the San Francisco Bay area.  Jones Day has grown from a couple of dozen Bay ... The Economic Benefits of Secrecy

Chris DeMuth Jr: Perspectives on Antitrust from Financial Markets and Venture Capital

How much do you take potential antitrust concerns into account when evaluating investments or mergers and acquisitions? Has this changed over time? Antitrust is a big part of M&A and the work I do in analyzing deals at Rangeley Capital. It has always been important, but the importance has grown with this administration’s activist approach. ... Chris DeMuth Jr: Perspectives on Antitrust from Financial Markets and Venture Capital

Restaurant Reservations

Today’s New York Times has an interesting article on restaurant reservations (Julia Moskin, “Getting a Good Table by Flicking an App, Not Greasing a Palm,” Saturday, June 14, p. A1, As the title suggests, there are now various apps and online services that obtain hot restaurant reservations and then sell them to willing buyers. This ... Restaurant Reservations