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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Notebooks/Laptops for the Professional Academic

I would be curious to know what laptops folks out there are using (with success).  I am shopping for a lightweight (lightweight!) laptop to tote around to conferences and such, and I have absolutely no clue where to start.  I do not use fancy stuff – just Word, Excel, Powerpoint.  And I refuse to use ... Notebooks/Laptops for the Professional Academic

The only thing good about the movie, The Corporation

Frankly, I thought the movie, The Corporation, was unabashedly abysmal. It was a childish caricature, exhibiting no understanding by the filmmakers (or most of the interviewees) of the law, economics, or nature of corporations—to say nothing of capitalism. The movie is unsophisticated, anti-capitalist tripe. See Seth Weinberger’s review of the movie from the journal Political Communication ... The only thing good about the movie, The Corporation

Reflections on the GMU/Microsoft Conference

As you may know, this past Friday we (Geoff and Josh) organized the inaugural GMU/Microsoft Conference on the Law and Economics of Innovation. Overall, we were extremely pleased with our first entry in this conference series, The Regulation of Innovation and Economic Growth. We had about 130 register for the conference, including many high level ... Reflections on the GMU/Microsoft Conference

Blog roll updates

I just updated our blog roll.  It now contains a link to the always-excellent Organizations & Markets Blog (Peter Klein and Nicolai Foss), mentioned/linked to by several of us before.  Also, Marc Hodak (of frequent and excellent commenting fame) seems to have a blog, Hodak Value, to which we’ve added a link.  I look forward to reading more ... Blog roll updates

George Mason/Microsoft Conference on the Law & Economics of Innovation

As Danny Sokol already pointed out, On May 4 at George Mason Law School, Josh Wright and I will be putting on a conference.  This is the inaugural conference in an expected annual series of conferences co-sponsored by George Mason Law School and Microsoft on the law and economics of innovation.  Our first conference is ... George Mason/Microsoft Conference on the Law & Economics of Innovation

Another credit snob. Or is he just a snob?

Benjamin Barber (the author of the polemic, Jihad vs. McWorld) has an editorial in the LA Times today.  Its title is:  “Overselling capitalism: Why today’s markets are headed for disaster unless there is a shift in focus.”  At first the editorial looks like a pretty standard entry in the growing line of comments suggesting we ... Another credit snob. Or is he just a snob?

Insider Trading: Sin or Crime? (or None of the Above?)

R. Foster Winans knows insider trading. A former author of the Wall Street Journal‘s Heard on the Street column, Winans was a key figure in an insider trading case that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. In that case, Carpenter v. United States, the Court affirmed securities fraud and mail/wire fraud convictions ... Insider Trading: Sin or Crime? (or None of the Above?)

Klein v. Coase III: Fisher Body-General Motors Again (and Again)

Peter Klein‘s post over at the always excellent Organizations and Markets reminded me that I have been wanting to blog about the most recent exchange between Ben Klein and Ronald Coase over the asset specificity, vertical integration, and the famous Fisher Body – General Motors example which has become a classic example of hold up ... Klein v. Coase III: Fisher Body-General Motors Again (and Again)

More news about Josh

Since Josh’s academic life continues to be so riveting, I’m going to blog about it once again: This time the big news is that Josh has accepted a visiting offer from the University of Texas School of Law during the 2008-2009 academic year (following the conclusion of his undoubtedly-brilliant and mercifully-brief (brilliant, in part, because it’s ... More news about Josh

Shareholder Voting on Executive Comp. – What’s the downside?

There was an article this morning on CCN announcing Aflac’s decision to let shareholders vote on executive compensation.  A board resolution was passed to give “shareholders the right to a non-binding vote on executive pay packages that will take effect in 2009.” I veiw this step by Aflac’s executives as very savvy.  Why bother leaving oneself exposed to shareholder ... Shareholder Voting on Executive Comp. – What’s the downside?

The New York Times–shocker!–hates the University of Phoenix

Peter Klein at the always excellent Organizations & Markets Blog has a characteristically excellent post on the New York Times’ characteristically anti-market article on the University of Phoenix (and for-profit higher education). Lest there be any doubt that the article was meant to cast UOP in an unflattering light, check out the picture of UOP’s president, William ... The New York Times–shocker!–hates the University of Phoenix

The Market for DRM

Everyone is talking about Steve Jobs’ open letter on DRM,”Thoughts on Music,” including, best among all of them, my colleague, Josh.  Among many others, see excellent entries from Jim DeLong, Randy Picker and Mike Madison.  Frank Pasquale weighs in with a predictable post about how wonderful the world would be if we just regulated his (perfect) vision of ... The Market for DRM