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Whose university is it?

There’s been some recent (and widely disparate) posting on the nature and governance of universities. See, for example, here (Tsai on sports and higher ed), here (Oesterle on endowment spending), here (Bollier on the knowledge commons; see especially comments by me and Josh in the . . . comments section (duh)), here (Posner on tenure), ... Whose university is it?

Business Continuity Programs and Fiduciary Duties

This article describes a new Deloitte & Touche/CPM Group survey on business continuity management programs.  The survey finds that “[m]ore than 83 percent of companies have developed business continuity management programs, compared with only 30 percent of companies just six years ago.�  Deloitte and CPM attribute the increase to the fact “that executive management ... Business Continuity Programs and Fiduciary Duties

Buy-Out Prices in Nose Bleed Territory

According to this FT article, Stephen Schwarzman, the head of the buy-out firm Blackstone (a firm that will soon close on a record $13.5 billion buy-out fund), warned that prices being paid in buy-outs are in “nose bleed territory� and that “seeds of excess� are being sown.  As Schwarzman put it:  “[W]hen it ends, it ... Buy-Out Prices in Nose Bleed Territory

Another Antitrust Suit Against the NCAA

The NCAA is no stranger to defending antitrust suits. Remember Maurice Clarett? How about the NIT? Tom Farrey of ESPN the Magazine brought my attention to a new and very interesting antitrust suit filed last week in Los Angeles on the theory that the NCAA has illegally conspired to prohibit member colleges from offering athletic ... Another Antitrust Suit Against the NCAA

Measure 37 Upheld

You may or may not know that Oregon’s Measure 37 — our anti-takings measure — was ruled unconstitutional last year by a state trial court. See this post by Todd Zywicki. But today the Oregon Supreme Court reversed, and handed the effort to quash Measure 37 a resounding defeat. The court’s holding, on each of ... Measure 37 Upheld

On disclosure: Hands-tying

Dale Oesterle has called Gretchen Morgenson a “national treasure.” Today Larry Ribstein exposes the treasure for fool’s gold. I’m with Larry on this one. Morgenson’s article on executive compensation is yellow journalism at its worst (well, at least a far as business journalism goes. And really — what else is there?). As Larry suggests, hatchet ... On disclosure: Hands-tying

SEC Advisory Committee on Smaller Companies Meets Tomorrow

The SEC Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies is meeting tomorrow (2/21/06) at 9:00 a.m.  Click here for the Notice of Meeting.  This is the committee that has proposed, among other things, exempting smaller public companies from SOX 404.  The meeting will be audio webcast through I’m going to try to listen to it ... SEC Advisory Committee on Smaller Companies Meets Tomorrow

$6 Million for Biondi

Matt Bodie at PrawfsBlawg has a nice postscript on Icahn’s settlement with Time Warner (click here). Frank Biondi will get a nice postscript too–$6 million. Biondi agreed late last month to serve as Time Warner’s CEO in the event Icahn was successful in ousting the board. Even though Icahn was unsuccessful, Biondi gets $6 million ... $6 Million for Biondi

New Blog on Empirical Legal Studies

The Empirical Legal Studies Blog—a collaborative effort of Jason Czarnezki (Marquette), Michael Heise (Cornell), William Ford (Chicago), and Theodore Eisenberg (Cornell)—launched today at Its purpose is to “advance productive and interdisciplinary discourse among empirical legal scholars.” Welcome to the blogosphere ELS! p.s: I noticed your site is lacking “TM”s. You may want to slap ... New Blog on Empirical Legal Studies

Google User Privacy

I have some questions about Google’s reluctance to turn over user search data to the government. (For background on this story, see here.) 1. Why does Google gather this data to begin with? Wouldn’t the best way to protect user privacy be not to save this information in the first place? Why does Google need ... Google User Privacy

Management Talent Leaving in Droves for Private Equity

According to this Business Week article, top managers are fleeing public companies for jobs with private equity funds to hunt for deals, head portfolio companies, or both. The attractions are twofold: money and freedom. The pay can be outrageously good even at the entry levels; for CEOs, it can be spectacular. The flexibility is alluring, ... Management Talent Leaving in Droves for Private Equity

Donaldson & Pitt & Levitt & Breeden (Oh my!)

The Council on Foreign Relations puts on some really impressive webcasts/conference calls. Here’s one TOTM readers may be especially interested in (if, that is, you’re one of those lucky people who doesn’t get hives listening to extended bouts of highly-politicized self rationalization): The SEC in a Globalizing Securities Market: A Conversation with the Past Four ... Donaldson & Pitt & Levitt & Breeden (Oh my!)