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From Ideoblog to TOTM

After six years on Ideoblog I have decided to move my act over to Truth on the Market.  I’m taking this momentous (for me, if not the rest of the world) step for three reasons. First, I’m joining a great bunch of writers, some of whom I’ve known for a long time.  TOTM offers what ... From Ideoblog to TOTM

Big News: TOTM Welcomes Larry Ribstein

We are very pleased to announce that Larry Ribstein is joining Truth on the Market.  TOTM readers that have been with us from the beginning might recall that we got our start back in 2005 covering at Ideoblog while Larry went on vacation.  For most of our readers, I suspect Professor Ribstein will require no ... Big News: TOTM Welcomes Larry Ribstein

Stan Liebowitz Applies the Laugh Test to the O/S File-Sharing Paper

Stan Liebowitz (UT-Dallas) has posted his latest on the file sharing debate, “The Oberholzer-Gee/Strumpf File-Sharing Instrument Fails the Laugh Test.” (HT: Craig Newmark).   Having covered the file-sharing debate on this blog, including Professor Strumpf’s remarkably unprofessional and uncharitable treatment of Professor Liebowitz, I greatly admire Stan’s ability to stay above the fray and stick to ... Stan Liebowitz Applies the Laugh Test to the O/S File-Sharing Paper

Are State Consumer Protection Acts Really Little FTC Acts?

I’ve posted to SSRN my latest on state consumer protection litigation, Are State Consumer Protection Acts Really Little FTC Acts?, co-authored with Henry Butler (Searle Center, Northwestern University School of Law).  It is forthcoming in the Florida Law Review.  The project aims to empirically examine the similarities and differences between state and federal consumer protection ... Are State Consumer Protection Acts Really Little FTC Acts?

Some Links

There is quite a bit of IO on Youtube (HT: comments section from MR) Congrats to GMU’s Murat Mungan for taking home the Whitney Prize The lineup for the Alabama Ag/ Antitrust workshop has been announced The CD-MAP antitrust settlement funds are paying for concerts Investigation against Apple looms after complaint from Adobe —  the ... Some Links

Facile claims of behavioral economics: too much choice; not enough privacy

Chris Hoofnagle writing at the TAP blog about Facebook’s comprehensive privacy options (“To opt out of full disclosure of most information, it is necessary to click through more than 50 privacy buttons, which then require choosing among a total of more than 170 options.”) claims that: This approach is brilliant. The company can appease regulators ... Facile claims of behavioral economics: too much choice; not enough privacy

An open letter on insider trading to Gene Fama and Ken French

[Post bumped to the top, and cross-posted at Organizations & Markets, in light of our technical difficulties last week and in the hopes of eliciting a response — Eds] Dear Gene and Ken: I must say that I was totally flabbergasted when I read your recent blog posting on insider trading.  I know that your ... An open letter on insider trading to Gene Fama and Ken French

Toy Story 3

I just attended the world premiere of “Toy Story 3.” No, I’m not in Cannes, New York, London, or Tokyo. I’m here in Chicago, where Pixar graciously screened the movie at the great new Icon Theater to raise money for Comer Children’s Hospital. (Full disclosure: my wife is a pediatric oncologist at Comer.) I’d love ... Toy Story 3

Judge Sullivan and the UPP: Much Ado About Nothing or Articulating the Real Problem with the New HMGs?

Much has been made of Judge Sullivan’s recent decision in City of New York v. Group Health Incorporated and its implications for the UPP test and market definition in merger cases under Section 7 of the Clayton Act.  Given the 2010 Proposed Horizontal Merger Guidelines’ (2010 HMGs) shift toward diversion ratios and margins and away ... Judge Sullivan and the UPP: Much Ado About Nothing or Articulating the Real Problem with the New HMGs?

Implicit Compensation

The expansive executive compensation literature has two camps: one camp believes markets generally work; the other that they don’t. I am in the former camp, but believe markets and individuals that comprise them make mistakes and that those with power can sometimes use that power to serve their own, selfish ends. The only difference between ... Implicit Compensation

More Details on the OFT's Botched Prosecution of British Airways

Here (HT: Danny Sokol).   The post by Andreas Stephan implies that the OFT’s mistakes in the BA prosecution threaten to undermine the effectiveness of cartel enforcement in the UK generally and predicts that the OFT will not bring more criminal prosecutions in the near future.   Stephan also provides some more detail on what apparently went ... More Details on the OFT's Botched Prosecution of British Airways

Some Links

Facebook hires recent Kirkpatrick Award winner Tim Muris to manage their antitrust and consumer protection business at the Federal Trade Commission (or did they?) My colleague Neomi Rao in the WSJ on the Kagan nomination The UK British Airways price-fixing trial implodes after the OFT didn’t turn over evidence (Businessweek) The FTC has, to its ... Some Links