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Showing results for:  “price gouging”

Some Preliminary Reactions to the Leegin Transcripts

Transcripts in Leegin are available here (HT: Antitrust Review where David Fischer points out some of the highlights of the oral argument).  I may add some additional thoughts later after I read the whole thing again, but for now here are some first impressions: Breyer and Souter both had some interest comments on what to ... Some Preliminary Reactions to the Leegin Transcripts

Cass on Leegin

Ronald Cass, dean emeritus of Boston University Law School, argues in today’s WSJ that the Supreme Court should overrule Dr. Miles: The decision was a mistake that has plagued antitrust law and American business ever since. Manufacturers have no interest in suppressing price competition to help increase profits for retailers. A manufacturer with a meaningful ... Cass on Leegin

Shareholder Proposal re: NO NEW stock options

DealBook reports that Goldman Sachs has included the following shareholder proposal from Evelyn Davis in its 2007 proxy statement: RESOLVED: “That the Board of Directors take the necessary steps so that NO future NEW stock options are awarded to ANYONE, nor that any current stock options are repriced or renewed (unless there was a contract ... Shareholder Proposal re: NO NEW stock options

Midwest Farmers 1, Environment 0, Poor People -1

Friday’s WSJ documented an effect of ethanol mandates: Rising costs for agricultural commodities are making their way up the food chain into the food you eat. Thanks to rising demand for corn-based ethanol, corn prices have nearly doubled during the past year. That’s raised costs for corn products, like the ubiquitous high-fructose corn syrup that’s ... Midwest Farmers 1, Environment 0, Poor People -1

Insider Trading: Sin or Crime? (or None of the Above?)

R. Foster Winans knows insider trading. A former author of the Wall Street Journal‘s Heard on the Street column, Winans was a key figure in an insider trading case that went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. In that case, Carpenter v. United States, the Court affirmed securities fraud and mail/wire fraud convictions ... Insider Trading: Sin or Crime? (or None of the Above?)

Rubin on "Item Pricing Laws" in the WSJ

Paul Rubin (Emory Law) has an excellent piece in the WSJ taking state regulators to task for “Item Pricing Laws” which require that most goods in retail stores have an individual price sticker rather than, for example, a price tag on the store shelf. IPLs increase “menu costs” when retailers want to change prices which ... Rubin on "Item Pricing Laws" in the WSJ

Majoras Responds to Conyers Regarding Leegin

There’s just so much paper going back and forth on Leegin that it’s hard to keep up. In addition to various briefs and commentaries and Commissioner Harbour’s de facto brief (also discussed here), there has been some interesting correspondence between Rep. Conyers, Chair of the House Committee on the Judiciary, and Deborah Platt Majoras, Chair ... Majoras Responds to Conyers Regarding Leegin

A Response to Commissioner Harbour’s "Open Letter" on Leegin

Federal Trade Commissioner Pamela Jones Harbour has sent the U.S. Supreme Court justices an “open letter” regarding the pending Leegin case. [HT: Danny Sokol.] Leegin, as regular TOTM readers know, will test the continued vitality of Dr. Miles, the 1911 decision making it per se illegal for manufacturers and retailers to agree on minimum retail ... A Response to Commissioner Harbour’s "Open Letter" on Leegin

Please No "Passenger’s Bill of Rights"

Soledad O’Brien said a (sort of) bad word on American Morning this morning. I was watching when she said it. I didn’t notice the word, but it’s plain as day in the transcript below (omissions noted by ellipses):

"Yale on $0 a Day" Sparks a Wonder Moment

We’re so immersed in the benefits of a market economy that I fear we sometimes fail to notice what a marvel capitalism is. Today’s Wall Street Journal points to yet another of capitalism’s benefits. A growing number of very, very fancy colleges with very, very talented professors and very, very expensive tuition are offering their ... "Yale on $0 a Day" Sparks a Wonder Moment

New Paper on Majority Voting for the Election of Directors

A draft of my new paper entitled Majority Voting for the Election of Directors is now up on SSRN. I co-authored the piece with Young Kim, a finance professor at Northern Kentucky, so it has an empirical component. Here’s the abstract: We explore the theory, law, and practice of the shift from a plurality voting ... New Paper on Majority Voting for the Election of Directors

Wright on Pasquale on TOTM on DRM

Frank Pasquale has taken the time to respond to my earlier post on the use of antitrust to tax consumers on the grounds of fairness or other vague criteria. I take the basic point of Frank’s post to be that I have engaged in unfair burden shifting by demanding a showing of consumer harm prior ... Wright on Pasquale on TOTM on DRM