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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Big Federal Antitrust Cases Heat Up

The U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are advancing two major antitrust cases that will have significant implications for the American public. The DOJ, joined by eight states, announced Aug. 23 that it was suing RealPage Inc. for an “unlawful scheme to decrease competition among landlords in apartment pricing and to monopolize ... Big Federal Antitrust Cases Heat Up

Drifting toward nonsense on EU vs. US competitiveness: The profits puzzle

A recent NBER working paper by Gutiérrez & Philippon has attracted attention from observers who see oligopoly everywhere and activists who want governments to more actively “manage” competition. The analysis in the paper is fundamentally flawed and should not be relied upon by policymakers, regulators, or anyone else. As noted in my earlier post, Gutiérrez ... Drifting toward nonsense on EU vs. US competitiveness: The profits puzzle

Interchange Legislation as Counterproductive Consumer Protection Regulation

I want to begin with the premise that the legislation pending in Congress, in whatever form is ultimately adopted, will be successful in reducing interchange fees before turning to the question of whether such a reduction can be justified.  Proponents of interchange fee legislation offer two basic defenses of the legislation.  The first is as a ... Interchange Legislation as Counterproductive Consumer Protection Regulation

Commissioner Wright on the inappropriate use of structural presumptions in merger analysis & a great ABA program on the same

The FTC recently required divestitures in two merger investigations (here and here), based largely on the majority’s conclusion that [when] a proposed merger significantly increases concentration in an already highly concentrated market, a presumption of competitive harm is justified under both the Guidelines and well-established case law.” (Emphasis added). Commissioner Wright dissented in both matters ... Commissioner Wright on the inappropriate use of structural presumptions in merger analysis & a great ABA program on the same

Why I’m a Skeptic of a Noncompete Ban

Under a recently proposed rule, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) would ban the use of noncompete terms in employment agreements nationwide. Noncompetes are contracts that workers sign saying they agree to not work for the employer’s competitors for a certain period. The FTC’s rule would be a major policy change, regulating future contracts and retroactively ... Why I’m a Skeptic of a Noncompete Ban

Swimming Against the Tide: The FTC’s Misguided Antagonism to Health Care Integration

There is a consensus in America that we need to control health care costs and improve the delivery of health care. After a long debate on health care reform and careful scrutiny of health care markets, there seems to be agreement that the unintegrated, “siloed approach” to health care is inefficient, costly, and contrary to ... Swimming Against the Tide: The FTC’s Misguided Antagonism to Health Care Integration

Prices are Information, Even During a Crisis

[TOTM: The following is part of a blog series by TOTM guests and authors on the law, economics, and policy of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The entire series of posts is available here. This post is authored by Ben Sperry, (Associate Director, Legal Research, International Center for Law & Economics).] The visceral reaction to the ... Prices are Information, Even During a Crisis

Single Firm Conduct: European Competition Policy, the European Court of Justice, and Brexit

In recent years, the European Union’s (EU) administrative body, the European Commission (EC), increasingly has applied European competition law in a manner that undermines free market dynamics.  In particular, its approach to “dominant” firm conduct disincentivizes highly successful companies from introducing product and service innovations that enhance consumer welfare and benefit the economy – merely ... Single Firm Conduct: European Competition Policy, the European Court of Justice, and Brexit

The EU Intel Decision, Error Costs, and What Happens in the US?

Reacting to the EU fines imposed on Intel, Geoff raises a nice point about the difficulty of constructing the but-for world in antitrust cases generally, but particularly in cases where prices are falling.   This discussion reminded me of Thom’s excellent post responding to the NYT editorial and an AAI working paper and putting theoretical anticompetitive ... The EU Intel Decision, Error Costs, and What Happens in the US?

Flattening the Curve without Squashing Society: Market Responses to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic is changing the way consumers shop and the way businesses sell. These shifts in behavior, designed to “flatten the curve” of infection through social distancing, are happening across many (if not all) markets. But in many cases, it’s impossible to know now whether these new habits are actually achieving the desired effect.  ... Flattening the Curve without Squashing Society: Market Responses to COVID-19

Meese and Oman Spank the Corporate Law Prof Amici in Hobby Lobby

The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) subjects government-imposed burdens on religious exercise to strict scrutiny.  In particular, the Act provides that “[g]overnment shall not substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability” unless the government can establish that doing so is the least restrictive means of furthering ... Meese and Oman Spank the Corporate Law Prof Amici in Hobby Lobby

Fourth Annual Heritage Foundation Antitrust Conference: A Quick Summary

On January 23rd, the Heritage Foundation convened its Fourth Annual Antitrust Conference, “Trump Antitrust Policy after One Year.”  The entire Conference can be viewed online (here).  The Conference featured a keynote speech, followed by three separate panels that addressed  developments at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), at the Justice Department’s Antitrust Division (DOJ), and in ... Fourth Annual Heritage Foundation Antitrust Conference: A Quick Summary