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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Updated Drafts on SSRN

I have just posted two revised drafts to SSRN: Slotting Contracts and Consumer Welfare (forthcoming in the Antitrust Law Journal and previously blogged about here). Antitrust Analysis of Category Management: Conwood v. U.S. Tobacco. Both are pretty substantial revisions and so I hope that folks who have read previous drafts will check out the updated ... Updated Drafts on SSRN

Tabarrok on the Credit Snobs

Marginal Revolution’s Alex Tabarrok has a good post responding to recent attacks on the extension of credit to poor borrowers (and in particular, this rant from Nouriel Roubini).  Here is a taste: Roubini and others generating hysteria about defaults in the mortgage market are credit snobs – they think credit is something that only the ... Tabarrok on the Credit Snobs

Tom Smith Gets Error Costs

Here he is making the very basic but critical point while responding to Delong’s critique of classic liberalism: DeLong explains why classical liberalism/libertarianism is wrong. I agree with much of what he says. The problem is, and it’s a very basic mistake and I don’t understand why people keep making it, is that just because ... Tom Smith Gets Error Costs

How Rough Do Dissenters From "Free Market Economics" Have It Anyway?

There are some good posts from several fine economists in the blogosphere responding to this NY Times article suggesting that the majority of economists are “free market” ideologues and those who dissent from laissez-faire dogma are sanctioned by their peers. All are excellent posts worth reading in their entirety and take on various problems with ... How Rough Do Dissenters From "Free Market Economics" Have It Anyway?

Hello, have you met my friend Ubuntu?

Hello everyone!  I’m glad and excited to be a new part of Truth on the Market.  I’d like to thank Josh for inviting me.  Unfortunately, I’ll be very busy through the end of the year so I probably won’t get to post with great frequency, but I look forward to posting more in the future. ... Hello, have you met my friend Ubuntu?


Antitrust Enforcers’ Stealth Undermining of Patent Rights – Shedding Light on a Recent and Troubling Phenomenon

In recent years, antitrust enforcers in Europe and the United States have made public pronouncements and pursued enforcement initiatives that undermine the ability of patentees to earn maximum profits through the unilateral exercise of rights within the scope of their patents, as discussed in separate recent articles by me and by Professor Nicolas Petit of ... Antitrust Enforcers’ Stealth Undermining of Patent Rights – Shedding Light on a Recent and Troubling Phenomenon

Restaurant Reservations

Today’s New York Times has an interesting article on restaurant reservations (Julia Moskin, “Getting a Good Table by Flicking an App, Not Greasing a Palm,” Saturday, June 14, p. A1, As the title suggests, there are now various apps and online services that obtain hot restaurant reservations and then sell them to willing buyers. This ... Restaurant Reservations

David Brat

I do not know David Brat and had never heard of him before he won the primary.  I have looked at his Vita.  However, I am bothered by seeing him called a free market economist and a Randian.  Apparently one of the major issues distinguishing him from Mr. Cantor is Mr. Brat’s opposition to immigrants ... David Brat

Bainbridge’s e-book experiment

Steve Bainbridge is offering his new book, Directors as Auctioneers: A Concise Guide to Revlon-Land, as a Kindle eBook. Here’s his discussion of the book and of his decision to go the e-book route.  I’ve bought it already and presumably will have it when I turn my Kindle on. Steve’s reasoning is plausible:  he gets ... Bainbridge’s e-book experiment

Reactions to the Microsoft Decision

The reaction to the CFI’s Microsoft decision (press release here) thus far has been largely negative.  Here’s a sample: Luke Froeb: “Disappointingly, the Court failed to articulate a principle that would tell firms when they are competing on the merits and when they are going to violate the increasingly murky European antitrust rules about dominant ... Reactions to the Microsoft Decision


Innovation for the 21st Century Symposium

The topic of TOTM’s first blog symposium is Michael Carrier’s forthcoming book: Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law (from Oxford University Press). Here is a description of the book’s contents from Professor Carrier: Innovation for the 21st Century offers ten proposals, from pharmaceuticals to peer-to-peer software, that will help ... Innovation for the 21st Century Symposium

Top 10 Papers for Journal of Antitrust: Antitrust Law & Policy eJournal (June 4, 2012 to August 3, 2012)

HT: Danny Sokol. TOP 10 Papers for Journal of Antitrust: Antitrust Law & Policy eJournal June 4, 2012 to August 3, 2012. Rank Downloads Paper Title 1 244 The Antitrust/Consumer Protection Paradox: Two Policies at War with Each Other  Joshua D. Wright, George Mason University – School of Law, Faculty, Date posted to database: May 31, ... Top 10 Papers for Journal of Antitrust: Antitrust Law & Policy eJournal (June 4, 2012 to August 3, 2012)