Merger Retrospective

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Steve Salop, Merger Retrospective, Truth on the Market (April 04, 2011),

Several years ago, the DOJ cleared a merger between Whirlpool and Maytag.   The primary defense was that post-merger prices could not rise because of intense competition from foreign competitors like LG and Samsung. Apparently the actual competition was more than Whirlpool wanted to bear.  Guess What?  Mr. Laissez-Faire Antitrust, meet Dr. Public Choice.  The Wall Street Journal has reported that Whirlpool has filed a dumping complaint against LG and Samsung.   Whirlpool’s dumping complaint involves refrigerators and the merger concerns involved washers and dryers more than refrigerators.  But, the complaint sends a signal to LG and Samsung.  The comlaint also certainly does raise a caution about relying on foreign competition, and suggests a potential remedial provision.