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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Cumulative Voting for Directors

While working on my last post, I discovered that Hewlett-Packard’s certificate of incorporation provides for cumulative voting in the election of directors. This made me curious as to how many other public companies have cumulative voting so I googled it. I came up with this article which says about 10% of the companies in the ... Cumulative Voting for Directors

Of Prices and Price Gouging

Price gouging regulations (PGRs) have been a popular topic of late in the blogosphere, particularly in the wake of increased post-Katrina (and Rita) gasoline prices. Becker and Posner make the now familiar economic case against PGRs here and here. The basic economic argument against PGRs is well tread ground which I will not repeat here. ... Of Prices and Price Gouging

So it's to be double secret trademark protection, then

The People have spoken and we, being weak-willed saps craving of the People’s attention, have caved to their demands. I know — many of you are in the silent minority (majority?) who really liked seeing all those little TMs all over our blog. You have been railroaded like us by this corner of the Internet’s ... So it's to be double secret trademark protection, then

On disclosure, a continuing series

We all know that our securities regulatory regime is predominantly a disclosure regime, meaning the regulators, for the most part, don’t impose substantive regulations on securities issuers, but require only accurate, timely disclosure of certain information. And as against a more intrusive, substantive regime, I think this is preferable, even in its current, fairly intrusive ... On disclosure, a continuing series

Drugs and federalism

I’m no expert on the topic (I anxiously await Randy Barnett’s comments), but does anyone else think the opinion in Gonzales v. Oregon issued today (limiting the application of the Controlled Substances Act and upholding Oregon’s assisted suicide law) could have been a masterful dissent in Gonzales v. Raich (reading the Controlled Substances Act to ... Drugs and federalism

Hello World!

Welcome to Truth on the Market. We have launched this blog to provide the metaphysical subjective truth on abstract, concrete and invisible markets throughout the civilized world (whatever that means). More specifically, as indicated by our current tagline (we know it’s unoriginal; we hope to come up with something better soon) our blog will provide ... Hello World!


Ben Sperry (Twitter: @rbensperry) Dirk Auer (Twitter: @auerdirk) Eric Fruits (Twitter: @ericfruits) Geoffrey Manne (Twitter: @geoffmanne) Ian Adams (Twitter: @IAtheTeapot) Julian Morris (Twitter: @julian_morris) Gus Hurwitz (Twitter: @gushurwitz) Joanna Shepherd Kristian Stout (Twitter: @kristianstout) Mike Sykuta (Twitter: @msykuta) Thom Lambert (Twitter: @profthomlambert)


Posts. The views expressed in posts on this blog are those of the designated author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other bloggers. With that said, if you find a post particularly insightful, brilliant or the like, you can assume it does reflect the insightfulness, brilliance, etc. of the other bloggers for ... Policies


Ian AdamsExecutive Director, International Center for Law & EconomicsWeb Profile Dirk AuerSenior Fellow in Law & Economics, International Center for Law & EconomicsWeb ProfileSSRN Page Jonathan BarnettDirector of Media, Entertainment and Technology Law Program, USC Gould School of LawWeb ProfileSSRN Page Sam Bowman Director of Competition Policy, International Center for Law & EconomicsWeb Profile Eric ... Authors
