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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Double secret ex parte meetings at the FCC: Something’s amiss in the agency’s big transaction reviews

The Wall Street Journal dropped an FCC bombshell last week, although I’m not sure anyone noticed. In an article ostensibly about the possible role that MFNs might play in the Comcast/Time-Warner Cable merger, the Journal noted that The FCC is encouraging big media companies to offer feedback confidentially on Comcast’s $45-billion offer for Time Warner ... Double secret ex parte meetings at the FCC: Something’s amiss in the agency’s big transaction reviews

A global warming hypothetical

Global warming critics have taken two primary approaches. First, deny the facts based on the incentives for scientists to fudge the data to get prestige and research dollars (see, for example, the East Anglia emails), based on the inherent limitations of humans to build global weather models to predict the temperature 100 years from now, ... A global warming hypothetical

Backdating did harm investors.

Three Michigan B school profs have a new paper up on SSRN entitled “The Economic Impact of Backdating Executive Stock Options.� The paper adds some important data to the backdating debate. Specifically, the paper looked at 45 firms implicated in the backdating scandal and found that over a 21-day period surrounding the revelation of backdating, ... Backdating did harm investors.

Reforming FTC Data Security Enforcement

Recently I highlighted problems with the FTC’s enforcement actions targeting companies’ data security protection policies, and recommended that the FTC adopt a cost-benefit approach to regulation in this area.  Yesterday the Heritage Foundation released a more detailed paper by me on this topic, replete with recommendations for new FTC guidance and specific reforms aimed at ... Reforming FTC Data Security Enforcement

The Enforcers [#agworkshop] [#dojusda]

To expand on Geoff’s post about concentration in the seed industry, there has been a consistent line of discussion throughout the day raising the specter of monopoly and anti-competitive behavior, not only in seed but also in livestock.  There are continual references to adverse price effects and limitations in choice for consumers and producers alike, ... The Enforcers [#agworkshop] [#dojusda]