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Backdating did harm investors.

Three Michigan B school profs have a new paper up on SSRN entitled “The Economic Impact of Backdating Executive Stock Options.� The paper adds some important data to the backdating debate. Specifically, the paper looked at 45 firms implicated in the backdating scandal and found that over a 21-day period surrounding the revelation of backdating, ... Backdating did harm investors.

CELS 2006 at Texas

When Larry Solum announces that the Conference on Empirical Legal Studies is “one of those events that is likely to be remembered,” it is likely that this will be an important event in the legal academy.  I’ve already started reading a number of interesting papers from this conference, and am excited about presenting my own ... CELS 2006 at Texas

Thoughts on Walker on Backdating

Professor Ribstein responds to David Walker’s backdating article, which Bill highlighted here at TOTM a few weeks ago. Larry’s take? This is a useful paper as far as it goes. The problem is that it has missed a significant chunk of the “literature” on this rapidly developing topic that has developed in our rapidly developing ... Thoughts on Walker on Backdating