This article is a part of the Larry Ribstein: In Memoriam (1946-2011) symposium.
Happy New Year TOTM readers. I’ve had a very difficult time returning to blogging. Monday mornings I would normally wake up to a string of four or five of Larry’s posts already up and attracting comments. He had a way of making one feel incredibly inefficient and unproductive by comparison! Of course, there was never any real comparison to Larry’s production. But it was incredibly motivating nonetheless. I miss him terribly.
We will continue to collect your remembrances of Larry on the Memoriam tab above. Please keep them coming.
Below, I’ve collected links to 11 of Larry’s most popular posts of 2011. Enjoy.
- Where have all the lawyers gone: working for hedge funds every one
- Death of a big law?
- The First Amendment and unauthorized practice of law
- The Missouri suit against LegalZoom
- Selling judgments
- The SEC’s shrinking credibility
- Government spending, cargo cults, and rules for growth
- The NYT misses the point about law schools
- Congressmen as securities traders
- Abolishing corporate personhood: still stupid
- Gladwell on US News