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Welcome TOTM Guest Blogger Adam Mossoff

My GMU colleague Adam Mossoff has been on and around the blogs this week — or at least, other people have been writing about him and particularly about his new paper  The Trespass Fallacy in Patent Law.  For example, here are a few reactions at Prawfsblawg and Patently-O.  I’ve been trying to get Professor Mossoff on the blog for some time now to talk about his own research and intellectual property issues more generally, and so I’m thrilled that he will be hanging out here for a bit.  Here’s his bio:

Professor Adam Mossoff teaches and writes in the areas of property and intellectual property law.  His research focuses on the intersection between intellectual property law and property theory, with a special emphasis on natural rights philosophy and its role in the intellectual history of patent law.  He has published numerous articles on topics in patent law, property law, legal history and legal philosophy in the University of Pennsylvania Law ReviewCornell Law Review, and Social Philosophy & Policy, among other journals.  He teaches a range of courses, including patent law, property, trade secrets, cyberlaw, jurisprudence, property theory, and estates and trusts.

Professor Mossoff graduated with honors from the University of Chicago Law School, where he was a research assistant to Richard A. Epstein and held the Bradley Governance Fellowship.  Following law school, he was a John M. Olin Fellow in Law and Visiting Lecturer at Northwestern University School of Law, and he clerked for the Honorable Jacques L. Wiener, Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit. He holds an M.A. in philosophy, specializing in legal and political philosophy, from Columbia University and a B.A. with High Distinction and High Honors in philosophy from the University of Michigan.

While I suspect Adam will take some of his blogging time to write about his new and important essay, no doubt he will have many interesting things to blog about in the intellectual property world.  TOTM is excited to have him with us.

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