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FTC Microeconomics Conference

The Fourth Annual FTC Microeconomics Conference is scheduled for November 3 and 4, 2011.   Here is the call for papers:

The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics will host a two day conference to bring together scholars working in areas related to the FTC’s antitrust, consumer protection and public policy missions. Those areas include industrial organization, information economics, privacy, game theory, quantitative marketing, consumer behavior, law and economics, behavioral and experimental economics. Relevant topics include advertising, information disclosure, privacy, mergers, vertical practices, mortgages and credit markets, bundling, loyalty discounts, dynamic demand estimation, business practices and consumer choice, intellectual property, optimal penalties, and cost-benefit analysis in law enforcement. Interested participants should send an abstract or completed paper to by July 7, 2011. Note that preference will be given to completed papers. We also welcome suggestions for panel discussions.

The scientific committee for the conference is:

Organizer: Chris Adams (FTC)

The conference will be held at the Federal Trade Commission New Jersey Avenue
Conference Center, 601 New Jersey Avenue NW, Washington, D.C. 20001.