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BU Antitrust Conference Honoring Professor Joseph Brodley's Retirement

Professor Joe Brodley, after a long and distinguished career as an antitrust scholar, retired at the end of the Spring 2009 semester. Boston University Law School will host a symposium honoring Joe’s contributions to Antitrust on September 18, 2009. The Boston University Law Review will publish the contributions.

The symposium will consist of three panels. The first will focus on Joe’s contributions. Panelists will reflect on Joe’s work, on their own work with Joe, on his contributions to the field, or on how his papers may have influenced their work.

The second panel, a transition between between the first and third, will address topics that Joe wrote about: predatory pricing, joint ventures, mergers, antitrust standing, oligopoly, patent settlement, and the goals of antitrust law.

The third panel will focus on the future, specifically what direction antitrust should take in the new administration.

The conference schedule is as follows:

First Panel: 9:30 to 10:45

Eleanor Fox

Richard Brunnell

Hillary Greene

Second Panel: 11:00 to 12:15

Dennis Yao

Richard Dagan

Michael Salinger

Patrick Bolton (paper only)

Lunch: 12:30 to 2:00

Last Panel: 2:00 – 3:15,

Einer Elhauge

William Kovacic

Herbert Hovenkamp (paper only)

Response from Joe Brodley

For more information, please contact Professor Keith Hylton (  If you plan to attend, please contact Mary Gallagher (