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Obviousness conference

Along with my Lewis & Clark colleague, Joe Miller, I have organized a conference on the patent law doctrine of obviousness following the Supreme Court’s KSR case last term.  It’s a great line-up of participants, and should be an excellent conference.  You can find details here.  Here’s the program:

Friday October 5 and Saturday October 6, 2007
Wood Hall, Room 8
Lewis & Clark Law School
10015 SW Terwilliger Boulevard
Portland, OR 97219


8:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:30 a.m. Welcome and Introduction

Lisa LeSage
Associate Dean and Director of Business Law Programs
Robert Klonoff, Dean of Lewis & Clark Law School

8:45 a.m. Morning Session I – Law
Gregory Mandel, The Nonobvious Problem
John Duffy, Temporal Considerations in Nonobviousness Analysis
Rebecca Eisenberg, Pharma’s Nonobviousness Problem

Rochelle Dreyfuss

10:15 a.m. Break10:30 a.m. Morning Session II – Economics
Suzanne Scotchmer, Nonobviousness, Options and the Scarcity of Ideas
Scott Stern, The Strategic Impact of Patent Office Standards
Vincenzo Denicolo, The Nonobviousness Requirement with Complementary Innovations

Michael Katz

Noon Lunch
Keynote Speaker – Kevin Rivette
Mr. Rivette is currently the Chairman of the USPTO Public Patent Advisory Committee. He recently served as IBM’s Vice President of Intellectual Property Strategy.

1:15 p.m. Afternoon Session I – Psychology
Keith Sawyer
Colleen Seifert, Now Why Didn’t I Think of That? The Cognitive Processes That Create the Obvious,
Steven Smith, Invisible Assumptions and the Unintentional Use of Knowledge and Experiences in Creative Cognition

Janet Davidson

2:45 pm Break3:15 pm Afternoon Session II – R & D Perspectives
Mark Blaxill, Senior Partner & Managing Director, Boston Consulting Group
Ian Harvey, Chairman, Intellectual Property Institute (UK)
Damon Matteo, Vice President for Intellectual Capital Management, Xerox PARC
Kevin Rivette, Chairman, USPTO Public Patent Advisory Committee

Andy Culbert, Associate General Counsel, Microsoft Corp.

4:30 pm Reception

SATURDAY8:30 am Continental Breakfast

9:00 am Morning Session I – Law
Katherine Strandberg, Nonobviousness and Nerd Culture
Joseph Miller, Are Erroneous Patent Denials Better Than Erroneous Grants?
R. Polk Wagner, Feeding the Trolls:KSR, the Supreme Court, and the End of Patent Reform

Robert Merges

10:30 am Break10:45 am Roundtable Discussion

Noon Lunch & Conference Close

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