Grading has been keeping me pretty busy the last several weeks, and I haven’t done as much reading or writing as I would have liked recently. I finally finished my grading today, and so can turn my attention to the monstrous stack of papers that have caught my eye over the past month or so. Here’s what is on the top of the list:
- Richard Squire, Antitrust and the Supremacy Clause (forthcoming, Stanford L. Rev.)
- Faruk Gul and Wolfgang Pesendorfer (Princeton University), The Case For Mindless Economics
- Colin Camerer (Caltech), Neuroeconomics: Using Neuroscience to Make Economic Predictions
- The most recent Antitrust Law Journal (Vol. 73, No. 2), which is a symposium focused on identifying exclusionary conduct under Section 2, and includes contributions by Steve Salop, Greg Werden, Douglas Melamed, Mark Popofsky, Jon Baker, and Malcolm Coate & Shawn Ulrick
- The last several Bill Simmons columns that I have missed!