Usha Rodrigues has a characteristically delightful and poignant remembrance of Larry up over at Conglomerate:
Finally, the section is done. And it’s stronger and richer than it was just 24 hours ago. I send my last email at 4:07. It reads: “You’re hilarious. And a treasure. Thanks again, U”
On a Saturday afternoon. For a junior colleague. At another institution. Even as it was happening, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was. Larry was smart, he was blunt, he was quick, he was generous. Each quality is rare taken individually; together, they are unheard of.
And this exchange with Larry is typical — and priceless:
After all the hype and Oscar drama, I finally saw Avatar when it came out on DVD. I was not impressed. This manipulative simplistic story almost won Best Picture? Really? I emailed Larry to ask what he thought. His reply was terse: “I wouldn’t see Avatar unless strapped to a seat and threatened with torture.”
As she concludes, summarizing well what we all feel:
God, I’ll miss you, Larry. We all will.