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Markets and art

We often seem to assume that market competition is inconsistent with great art.  In fact this is not true.  People like good art, especially rich people, and therefore will pay for it.  Consider, for example, the state of movies and television today. 

Edward Jay Epstein (HT MR) notes that while subscription television has had turn to “original programming that would appeal to the head of the house,” which means “a medium of entertainment for the elite,” Hollywood “has had a gradual downgrade.” Basically, the chains need to fill seats and sell candy on opening weekends.  This means


it [is] hardly surprising that Hollywood is moving more and more towards comic-book sequels and other action-bumped fantasy fare. Meanwhile television, which must to adopt to a new Internet world in which its audience can cherry-pick what it want to see, anytime and anywhere, via ubiquitous DVRs, tablets, and computers, is now providing the sophisticated niche entertainment that movies once provided. It’s after all show business.

The point is not that television overall is now better than movies, but that great art has migrated to some extent from movies to television, and that this is attributable to market forces.  I would also note that most of the really good stuff is on the cable stations and not on “public” television.