Site icon Truth on the Market

Is anyone else terrified that the fate of the economy hangs in Maxine Waters' hands?

Yes, actually.  I was going to write a post on this topic, but then Megan McArdle said pretty much what I wanted to say, only snarkier and pithier.  A taste, but read the whole thing:

But this woman is sitting on the House Financial Services Committee.  She is supposed to help craft the bills that govern our financial system.  And she clearly doesn’t have the first shred of an inkling of a clue of how said financial system works.  Her questions had the air of someone who couldn’t quite wrap her mind around the complexities of the E-Z Reader consumer activist pamphlets from which she had presumably cribbed them.

But Paul Krugman is certain she should spend even more, more, more.  So it must be ok–he has a Nobel Prize, you know.