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When In Doubt, Ask the Internet …

Geoff doesn’t vote. Neither do many of my economist friends. In fact, they laugh at me for voting. But I do. The joke will be on them if I’m the tiebreaker, wont it? Anyway, in the search for some shortcuts this presidential election season, I decided to try the Selectsmart 2008 President Selector Quiz (HT: Prof Bainbridge). The Selector tells me that I should be deciding between McCain, Thompson, a guy who isn’t running, and a comedian who also isn’t running. The complete results are below the fold for your entertainment.

1. Theoretical Candidate (100%)
2. John McCain (83%)
3. Fred Thompson (81%)
4. Chuck Hagel (not running) (79%)
5. Stephen Colbert (76%)
6. Duncan Hunter (74%)
7. Mitt Romney (74%)
8. Alan Keyes (73%)
9. Newt Gingrich (73%)
10. Rudolph Giuliani (72%)
11. Sam Brownback (71%)
12. Tom Tancredo (70%)
13. Kent McManigal (campaign suspended) (63%)
14. Jim Gilmore (58%)
15. Ron Paul (55%)
16. Tommy Thompson (withdrawn, endorsed Giuliani) (50%)
17. Mike Huckabee (46%)
18. Al Gore(not announced) (41%)
19. Michael Bloomberg (says he will not run) (39%)
20. Joseph Biden (36%)
21. Christopher Dodd (36%)
22. Hillary Clinton (35%)
23. John Edwards (33%)
24. Bill Richardson (29%)
25. Wesley Clark (not running, endorsed Clinton) (28%)
26. Barack Obama (27%)
27. Mike Gravel (19%)
28. Dennis Kucinich (16%)
29. Alan Augustson (campaign suspended) (14%)
30. Elaine Brown (3%)

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