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Minimum RPM Can Prevent Dealer Free-Riding … And Can You Please Pass the Bread?

Thursday night I will be speaking at a dinner and discussion sponsored by the eSapience Center for Competition Policy (eCCP) on the pending Leegin decision and the application of per se rules to minimum RPM. Here is the eCCP announcement:

Presentations will be made by Prof. Robert Pitofsky, and Prof. Joshua Wright. Prof. Pitofsky is the Sheehy Professor of Antitrust & Trade Regulation Law at Georgetown University Law Center, and Of Counsel with Arnold & Porter LLP. Prof. Wright is is an Assistant Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law, and has been recently appointed to the newly created position of Scholar in Residence in the Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Competition.

I will be presenting the view that per se rules should not be applied to minimum RPM opposite Professor Pitofsky who has long been the most prominent champion of the per se approach. It should be fun!

*I should note that Thom, Geoff, and I are Advisory Board members at eCCP.

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