Showing archive for: “FCC”
FCC Internet Regulation Is a Recipe for Crony Capitalism
Much ink has been spilled (and with good reason) about the excessive and totally unnecessary regulatory burdens associated with the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) February 26 “Open Internet Order” (OIO), which imposes public utility regulation on Internet traffic. For example, as Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow James Gattuso recently explained, “[d]evised for the static monopolies, ... FCC Internet Regulation Is a Recipe for Crony Capitalism
The companies that actually manufacture networks and devices oppose Title II, which may be all you need to know
It’s easy to look at the net neutrality debate and assume that everyone is acting in their self-interest and against consumer welfare. Thus, many on the left denounce all opposition to Title II as essentially “Comcast-funded,” aimed at undermining the Open Internet to further nefarious, hidden agendas. No matter how often opponents make the economic ... The companies that actually manufacture networks and devices oppose Title II, which may be all you need to know
Double secret ex parte meetings at the FCC: Something’s amiss in the agency’s big transaction reviews
The Wall Street Journal dropped an FCC bombshell last week, although I’m not sure anyone noticed. In an article ostensibly about the possible role that MFNs might play in the Comcast/Time-Warner Cable merger, the Journal noted that The FCC is encouraging big media companies to offer feedback confidentially on Comcast’s $45-billion offer for Time Warner ... Double secret ex parte meetings at the FCC: Something’s amiss in the agency’s big transaction reviews
ICLE and TechFreedom File Joint Comments in Defense of a Free Internet
The International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) and TechFreedom filed two joint comments with the FCC today, explaining why the FCC has no sound legal basis for micromanaging the Internet and why “net neutrality” regulation would actually prove counter-productive for consumers. The Policy Comments are available here, and the Legal Comments are here. See our previous ... ICLE and TechFreedom File Joint Comments in Defense of a Free Internet
Net Neutrality Regulation is Bad for Consumers and Probably Illegal
TechFreedom and the International Center for Law & Economics will shortly file two joint comments with the FCC, explaining why the FCC has no sound legal basis for micromanaging the Internet—now called “net neutrality regulation”—and why such regulation would be counter-productive as a policy matter. The following summarizes some of the key points from both ... Net Neutrality Regulation is Bad for Consumers and Probably Illegal
Two Good Reads on One Bad Rule
Today is the last day for public comment on the Federal Communications Commission’s latest net neutrality proposal. Here are two excellent op-eds on the matter, one by former FCC Commissioner Robert McDowell and the other by Tom Hazlett and TOTM’s own Josh Wright. Hopefully, the Commission will take to heart the pithy observation of one of my law school friends, Commissioner Ajit ... Two Good Reads on One Bad Rule
That startup investors’ letter on net neutrality is a revealing look at what the debate is really about
Last week a group of startup investors wrote a letter to protest what they assume FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler’s proposed, revised Open Internet NPRM will say. Bear in mind that an NPRM is a proposal, not a final rule, and its issuance starts a public comment period. Bear in mind, as well, that the proposal ... That startup investors’ letter on net neutrality is a revealing look at what the debate is really about
Why the Antitrust Realities Support the Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger
I have a new article on the Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger in the latest edition of the CPI Antitrust Chronicle, which includes several other articles on the merger, as well. In a recent essay, Allen Grunes & Maurice Stucke (who also have an essay in the CPI issue) pose a thought experiment: If Comcast can ... Why the Antitrust Realities Support the Comcast-Time Warner Cable Merger
Court strikes down Net neutrality rules but grants FCC sweeping new power over Internet
Today the D.C. Circuit struck down most of the FCC’s 2010 Open Internet Order, rejecting rules that required broadband providers to carry all traffic for edge providers (“anti-blocking”) and prevented providers from negotiating deals for prioritized carriage. However, the appeals court did conclude that the FCC has statutory authority to issue “Net Neutrality” rules under ... Court strikes down Net neutrality rules but grants FCC sweeping new power over Internet
A New Kingsbury Commitment: Universal Service through Competition?
For those in the DC area interested in telecom regulation, there is another great event opportunity coming up next week. Join TechFreedom on Thursday, December 19, the 100th anniversary of the Kingsbury Commitment, AT&T’s negotiated settlement of antitrust charges brought by the Department of Justice that gave AT&T a legal monopoly in most of the U.S. in ... A New Kingsbury Commitment: Universal Service through Competition?
Wireless Spectrum: Free Market or Rigged Market?
The debates over mobile spectrum aggregation and the auction rules for the FCC’s upcoming incentive auction — like all regulatory rent-seeking — can be farcical. One aspect of the debate in particular is worth highlighting, as it puts into stark relief the tendentiousness of self-interested companies making claims about the public interestedness of their preferred ... Wireless Spectrum: Free Market or Rigged Market?
Manufacturing (Broadband) Dissent
I have a new post up at, excerpted below, in which I discuss the growing body of (surprising uncontroversial) work showing that broadband in the US compares favorably to that in the rest of the world. My conclusion, which is frankly more cynical than I like, is that concern about the US “falling behind” ... Manufacturing (Broadband) Dissent