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Showing results for:  “price gouging”

The Economics and Regulation of Payment Card Interchange Fees: Paper and Conference

Two related items from ICLE: As regular readers know, interchange fees are a frequent topic of conversation around the blog.  Taking the conversation from the ether to the real world, ICLE has funded a white paper and is putting on a conference next week on the topic.  The conference, in fact, grows out of the ... The Economics and Regulation of Payment Card Interchange Fees: Paper and Conference

"Prosocial," Output-Reducing Collusion

One of my antitrust students recently pointed me to a television commercial that could inspire a great exam question. Unfortunately, I didn’t see the ad until I’d finished drafting this semester’s antitrust exam (which I’ve been grading…hence the absence from TOTM). The T.V. commercial trumpets an agreement among the members of the American Beverage Association ... "Prosocial," Output-Reducing Collusion

Who is Pressuring Antitrust? A Response to Wright

[Jonathan Baker (American University, currently on leave at the Federal Communications Commission where he is Chief Economist) has written the following response to Josh’s earlier post commenting on Baker’s forthcoming article: Preserving a Political Bargain: The Political Economy of the Non-Interventionist Challenge to Monopolization Enforcement.   Eds.] Thanks to Josh for engaging with my article in ... Who is Pressuring Antitrust? A Response to Wright

Giving away the first year of law school

Christine Hurt suggests: If Progressive Law School costs $30,000 a year today, then starting next year, the first year is free, and the second year is $45,000 and the third year is $45,000.  Students are admitted the same way, only tuition is deferred until a student registers for the second year of law school.  If ... Giving away the first year of law school

Comments on Jonathan Baker's Preserving a Political Bargain

I’ve recently finished reading Jonathan Baker’s Preserving a Political Bargain: The Political Economy of the Non-Interventionist Challenge to Monopolization Enforcement, forthcoming in the Antitrust Law Journal. Baker’s central thesis in Preserving a Political Bargain builds on earlier work concerning competition policy as an implicit political bargain that was reached during the 1940s between the more ... Comments on Jonathan Baker's Preserving a Political Bargain

Price Discrimination in Education

Tom Smith offers an entertaining and insightful perspective on the economics of higher education: Without passing moral judgment in any way, I will just observe it is astonishing that higher education in this country has managed to get established a system where consumers have to disclose in detail how much money they have before they ... Price Discrimination in Education

An open letter on insider trading to Gene Fama and Ken French

[Post bumped to the top, and cross-posted at Organizations & Markets, in light of our technical difficulties last week and in the hopes of eliciting a response — Eds] Dear Gene and Ken: I must say that I was totally flabbergasted when I read your recent blog posting on insider trading.  I know that your ... An open letter on insider trading to Gene Fama and Ken French

Judge Sullivan and the UPP: Much Ado About Nothing or Articulating the Real Problem with the New HMGs?

Much has been made of Judge Sullivan’s recent decision in City of New York v. Group Health Incorporated and its implications for the UPP test and market definition in merger cases under Section 7 of the Clayton Act.  Given the 2010 Proposed Horizontal Merger Guidelines’ (2010 HMGs) shift toward diversion ratios and margins and away ... Judge Sullivan and the UPP: Much Ado About Nothing or Articulating the Real Problem with the New HMGs?

Some Links

Facebook hires recent Kirkpatrick Award winner Tim Muris to manage their antitrust and consumer protection business at the Federal Trade Commission (or did they?) My colleague Neomi Rao in the WSJ on the Kagan nomination The UK British Airways price-fixing trial implodes after the OFT didn’t turn over evidence (Businessweek) The FTC has, to its ... Some Links

Controlling ATM Fees: Competition Versus Political Fiat

Taking a page from Rahm Emanuel’s never let a serious crisis go to waste playbook, our esteemed senators are loading the pending financial reform legislation, ostensibly aimed at preventing future financial meltdowns, with all sorts of wish-list items that have nothing to do with financial crises. Iowa Senator Tom Harkin, for example, has introduced an ... Controlling ATM Fees: Competition Versus Political Fiat

The Proposed Merger Guidelines: How Much of a Shift?

The proposed Horizontal Merger Guidelines (HMGs) have been treated by some as a major shift in enforcement approach away from a tight structure that begins with market definition to a more flexible and open-ended competitive effects approach.  Some of the specific concerns that have been raised are that the proposed HMGs dramatically change enforcement policy ... The Proposed Merger Guidelines: How Much of a Shift?

What’s the Best Way to Pop a Bubble?

[NOTE: I was drafting this post when Henry Manne posted his open letter to Fama and French. I’m hesitant to post over Henry’s important letter, particularly since TOTM was down yesterday and lots of folks may not have seen the letter. I’m doing so only because this post is a good follow-up to Henry’s points ... What’s the Best Way to Pop a Bubble?