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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

TechFreedom Search Engine Regulation Event today

Today at 12:30 at the Capitol Visitor Center, TechFreedom is hosting a discussion on the regulation of search engines:  “Search Engine Regulation: A Solution in Search of a Problem?” The basics: Allegations of “search bias” have led to increased scrutiny of Google, including active investigations in the European Union and Texas, a possible FTC investigation, ... TechFreedom Search Engine Regulation Event today

THIS THURSDAY: The Law and Economics of Search Engines and Online Advertising at GMU Law

The Henry G. Manne Program in Law & Economics Studies and Google present a conference on The Law and Economics of Search Engines and Online Advertising to be held at George Mason University School of Law, Thursday, June 16th, 2011. The conference will run from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. OVERVIEW: This conference is organized ... THIS THURSDAY: The Law and Economics of Search Engines and Online Advertising at GMU Law

Manne on insider trading as compensation

Henry Manne has a new version of the arguments he’s been making for years for insider trading as an efficient compensation mechanism. It’s Entrepreneurship, Compensation, and the Corporation.  Here’s the abstract: This paper revisits the concept of entrepreneurship, which is frequently neglected in mainstream economics, and discusses the importance of defining and isolating this concept ... Manne on insider trading as compensation

The uncorporate solution to corporate cash hoarding

Jason Zweig wrote Saturday in the WSJ about how companies are hoarding their cash. Microsoft, Cisco, Google, Apple and J & J “added $15 billion in cash and marketable securities to their balance sheets. Microsoft alone packed away roughly $9 billion, or $100 million a day. All told, the companies in the Standard & Poor’s ... The uncorporate solution to corporate cash hoarding

Advance praise for Manne & Wright book on regulating innovation

Our book, Competition Policy and Patent Law Under Uncertainty: Regulating Innovation will be published by Cambridge University Press in July.  The book’s page on the CUP website is here. I just looked at the site to check on the publication date and I was delighted to see the advance reviews of the book.  They are ... Advance praise for Manne & Wright book on regulating innovation

Wal-Mart, Jobs and Consumers

What happens when Wal-Mart comes to town?  One thing is for sure, the line for jobs is long: In contrast, a new Walmart in Cleveland recently received 6000 applicants for 300 positions, and, not long ago, two Walmart stores in the Chicago area received 25,000 and 15,000 applications. The Cleveland store hired one in twenty ... Wal-Mart, Jobs and Consumers

Barnett v. Barnett on Antitrust

Tom Barnett (Covington & Burling) represents Expedia in, among other things, its efforts to persuade a US antitrust agency to bring a case against Google involving the alleged use of its search engine results to harm competition.  In that role, in a recent piece in Bloomberg, Barnett wrote the following things: “The U.S. Justice Department ... Barnett v. Barnett on Antitrust

Antitrust as Innovation Policy

The Washington Post links to the transcript of the President’s recent remarks at a Palo Alto town hall meeting at Facebook’s headquarters on April 20.  The President talked about recent issues of interest, focusing primarily on the budget, unemployment and health care.  I did see one item that may be of interest to the antitrust ... Antitrust as Innovation Policy

The End of An Era?

Well, perhaps not quite the end of an era given all of the intense antitrust scrutiny that continues in the high-tech sector.  But it seems like it should not go without noting that the Microsoft case will officially come to an end on May 12th.  The San Francisco Chronicle observes: In a final hearing in ... The End of An Era?

Arbitration, preemption and regulatory coordination

AT&T Mobility LLC v. Concepcion, 2011 WL 1561956 (April 27, 2011) could end up being one of the most important pro-business cases of the last several years — even more important than Citizens United. The case involved the application of Section 2 of the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. §2), which makes agreements to arbitrate ... Arbitration, preemption and regulatory coordination

Sacrificing Consumer Welfare in the Search Bias Debate

Eric Clemons and Nehal Madhani have a posted a series of short blog posts on the Huffington Post focusing on Google, antitrust, and more specifically, vertical integration and search (Part I, Part II, and Part III).   The articles contain much of the standard hand-wringing about vertical integration and its impact on consumer welfare.  This is ... Sacrificing Consumer Welfare in the Search Bias Debate

Net Neutrality, the MetroPCS Complaint, and Low-Income Consumers

I blogged a bit about the MetroPCS net neutrality complaint a few weeks ago.  The complaint, you may recall, targeted the MetroPCS menu of packages and pricing offered to its consumers.  The idea that MetroPCS, about one-tenth the size of Verizon, has market power is nonsense.  As my colleague Tom Hazlett explains, restrictions on MetroPCS ... Net Neutrality, the MetroPCS Complaint, and Low-Income Consumers