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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Searching for Antitrust Remedies, Part II

In the last post, I discussed possible characterizations of Google’s conduct for purposes of antitrust analysis.  A firm grasp of the economic implications of the different conceptualizations of Google’s conduct is a necessary – but not sufficient – precondition for appreciating the inconsistencies underlying the proposed remedies for Google’s alleged competitive harms.  In this post, ... Searching for Antitrust Remedies, Part II

Searching for Antitrust Remedies, Part I

This is part one of a two part series of posts in which I’ll address the problems associated with discerning an appropriate antitrust remedy to alleged search engine bias.  The first problem – and part – is, of course, how we should conceptualize Google’s allegedly anticompetitive conduct; in the next part, I will address how ... Searching for Antitrust Remedies, Part I

Josh and I make the big leagues

Cited today by Gordon Crovitz in the Wall Street Journal: Instead of letting consumers choose, other search companies including Microsoft are funding to lobby regulators and politicians to stop what it calls “Google’s march toward an ‘unregulatable monopoly.'” Legal academics Geoffrey Manne and Joshua Wright wrote a recent article entitled “If Search Neutrality is ... Josh and I make the big leagues

FCC Competition Report is one green light for AT&T-T-Mobile deal

BY LARRY DOWNES AND GEOFFREY A. MANNE The FCC published in June its annual report on the state of competition in the mobile services marketplace. Under ordinary circumstances, this 300-plus page tome would sit quietly on the shelf, since, like last year’s report, it ‘‘makes no formal finding as to whether there is, or is ... FCC Competition Report is one green light for AT&T-T-Mobile deal

First Microsoft, Now Google: Berin Szoka, Josh Wright and Geoff Manne in CNET

Josh, Berin Szoka and I have a new op-ed up at CNET on why the lessons of Microsoft suggest the FTC’s action against Google might be misguided.  A taste: Ten years ago this week, an appeals court upheld Microsoft’s conviction for monopolizing the PC operating system market. The decision became a key legal precedent for U.S. antitrust ... First Microsoft, Now Google: Berin Szoka, Josh Wright and Geoff Manne in CNET

More on Google and Antitrust

My op-ed on the Google antitrust issue with Tom Lenard is up on Like others, we find that the FTC is overreaching.

Sacrificing Consumer Welfare in the Search Bias Debate, Part II

I did not intend for this to become a series (Part I), but I underestimated the supply of analysis simultaneously invoking “search bias” as an antitrust concept while waving it about untethered from antitrust’s institutional commitment to protecting consumer welfare.  Harvard Business School Professor Ben Edelman offers the latest iteration in this genre.  We’ve criticized ... Sacrificing Consumer Welfare in the Search Bias Debate, Part II

New York and the market for marriage law

NY’s decision to fully legalize same sex marriage (here’s a useful news roundup) can be seen among many other things as a demonstration of legal evolution in our federal system. For some background on marriage and the market for law see Buckley and Ribstein (published 2001 Illinois Law Review 561), Ribstein 2005, and O’Hara & ... New York and the market for marriage law


All of the material on our blog is the pure intellectual output of its author. It isn’t hard to tell, from a few quick searches or reads of our academic work, that we have all developed, over long periods of time, our approaches to the issues we discuss and the set of priors (we hope ... Disclosures

The FTC Makes its Google Investigation Official, Now What?

No surprise here.  The WSJ announced it was coming yesterday, and today Google publicly acknowledged that it has received subpoenas related to the Commission’s investigation.  Amit Singhal of Google acknowledged the FTC subpoenas at the Google Public Policy Blog: At Google, we’ve always focused on putting the user first. We aim to provide relevant answers ... The FTC Makes its Google Investigation Official, Now What?

Brantley and its Implications for the Proposed Consumer Choice Antitrust Standard

Thom‘s excellent post highlights the Ninth Circuit’s recent decision in Brantley and describes its implications both in terms of rejecting Professor Elhauge’s claim that metering ties and mere surplus extraction amount to competitive harm for the purposes of antitrust and also for the future of the quasi-per se rule of tying.   Thom, in my view ... Brantley and its Implications for the Proposed Consumer Choice Antitrust Standard

What’s really motivating the pursuit of Google?

I have an op-ed up at Main Justice on FTC Chairman Leibowitz’ recent comment in response the a question about the FTC’s investigation of Google that the FTC is looking for a “pure Section Five case.”  With Main Justice’s permission, the op-ed is re-printed here:   There’s been a lot of chatter around Washington about ... What’s really motivating the pursuit of Google?