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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Usha Rodrigues on Larry Ribstein

Usha Rodrigues has a characteristically delightful and poignant remembrance of Larry up over at Conglomerate: Finally, the section is done.  And it’s stronger and richer than it was just 24 hours ago.  I send my last email at 4:07.  It reads: “You’re hilarious.  And a treasure. Thanks again, U” On a Saturday afternoon.  For a ... Usha Rodrigues on Larry Ribstein

Best Antitrust Articles and Books of 2011

Danny Sokol posted some nominations for best Antitrust Article from a variety of antitrust experts.  I was supposed to include my nomination for that list but missed the deadline.  Turns out my draft list doesn’t have much overlap with the articles nominated over there, so I figured I’d share my whole list here with all ... Best Antitrust Articles and Books of 2011


Larry Ribstein: In Memoriam (1946-2011)

On December 24, 2011, our dear colleague, Larry Ribstein, passed away.  The intellectual life of everyone who knew him, of this blog, and of the legal academy at large is deeply diminished for his passing. For many, Larry was an important influence, not only intellectually but personally, as well.  Larry was the godfather of this ... Larry Ribstein: In Memoriam (1946-2011)

Memorial Reception for Larry Ribstein

There will be a memorial reception for Larry on Wednesday, January 4, at 4:00 PM at George Mason University School of Law, 3301 Fairfax Drive, Arlington, VA 22201. If you plan to attend, please first email Henry Butler at hnbutler-at-gmu-dot-edu.

Remembering Larry: My Friend, Mentee and a Great Intellect

In 1986, when I set out to develop a Law and Economics-oriented law school at George Mason University, I knew that I had a “secret weapon”, the list of about 450 law professors who had by then attended the Law and Economics Center’s Economics Institutes for Law Professors.  I did not have a large budget, ... Remembering Larry: My Friend, Mentee and a Great Intellect

Larry Ribstein, RIP

This morning our dear colleague, Larry Ribstein, passed away.  The intellectual life of everyone who knew him, of this blog, and of the legal academy at large is deeply diminished for his passing. For me, as for many others, Larry was an important influence, not only intellectually but personally, as well.  Larry was the godfather ... Larry Ribstein, RIP

Some Much-Needed Antitrust Skepticism on Senate Letter Urging FTC Google Investigation

Back in September, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s Antitrust Subcommittee held a hearing on “The Power of Google: Serving Consumers or Threatening Competition?” Given the harsh questioning from the Subcommittee’s Chairman Herb Kohl (D-WI) and Ranking Member Mike Lee (R-UT), no one should have been surprised by the letter they sent yesterday to the Federal Trade ... Some Much-Needed Antitrust Skepticism on Senate Letter Urging FTC Google Investigation

AT&T/T-Mobile RIP

Yesterday, AT&T announced it was halting its plan to acquire T-Mobile. Presumably AT&T did not think it could prevail in defending the merger in two places simultaneously—one before a federal district court judge (to defend against the DOJ’s case) and another before an administrative law judge (to defend against the FCC’s case). Staff at both ... AT&T/T-Mobile RIP

The NCAA (and St. Joseph’s) Strikes Again: The Case of Todd O’Brien

The NCAA recently denied Todd O’Brien’s appeal to make use of the Grad Student Transfer Exception — which would allow O’Brien, who graduated St. Joseph’s with a degree in economics, to continue playing basketball while pursuing a graduate degree in Public Administration at University of Alabama-Birmingham.  St. Joe’s, apparently at the behest of a college ... The NCAA (and St. Joseph’s) Strikes Again: The Case of Todd O’Brien

Some Links

Professor Bainbridge properly gives candidate Gingrich the treatment Professor Ribstein dished out to Professor Krugman on private equity Jury deliberates in $1B antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft (USA Today) Clock stops on EU review of Google-Motorola acquisition (BNA) Analyst argues that killing the AT&T-T-Mobile transaction will pose risks for investors as the former searches for others ... Some Links

Vote for Truth on the Market in the ABA Journal Blawg 100

Editors of the ABA Journal recently selected Truth on the Market as one of the top 100 law blogs. Blogs dedicated to law have proliferated in the last few years and of the 3,500 entries in their directory, the ABA Journal placed Truth on the Market among the top six dedicated to business law. Congratulations are in order ... Vote for Truth on the Market in the ABA Journal Blawg 100

Is Google Search Bias Consistent with Anticompetitive Foreclosure?

In my series of three posts (here, here and here) drawn from my empirical study on search bias I have examined whether search bias exists, and, if so, how frequently it occurs.  This, the final post in the series, assesses the results of the study (as well as the Edelman & Lockwood (E&L) study to ... Is Google Search Bias Consistent with Anticompetitive Foreclosure?