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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Federalist Society Event (March 14): Antitrust as Regulation?

You can register here.  From the website description: The popular press is full of reports of a renewed vigor in parts of our antitrust enforcement regime that address the conduct of leading firms. Investigations have been started or rumored against any number of firms near or at the top of various parts of the technology ... Federalist Society Event (March 14): Antitrust as Regulation?

Amit Singhal on the Past, Present, and Future of Search

Pretty interesting interview with Google’s Senior VP Amit Singhal on where search technology is headed.  In the article, Singhal describes the shift from a content-based, keyword index  to incorporating links and other signals to improve query results.  The most interesting part of the interview is about what is next. Google now wants to transform words that ... Amit Singhal on the Past, Present, and Future of Search

Reference Bloat in Management Journals Meets its Match

Peter Klein offers up some thoughts on “reference bloat” in academic journals: Nature News (via Bronwyn Hall): One in five academics in a variety of social science and business fields say they have been asked to pad their papers with superfluous references in order to get published. The figures, from a survey published today in ... Reference Bloat in Management Journals Meets its Match

Further Empirical Evidence on Forum Shopping in Philadelphia Civil Courts

Late last year, with support from the International Center for Law and Economics, I published a paper that empirically analyzed the Philadelphia civil court system. That study focused upon the Philadelphia Complex Litigation Center (PCLC) which handles large mass tort programs including asbestos cases, hormone therapy replacement cases, various prescription drug-related injuries, and other mass ... Further Empirical Evidence on Forum Shopping in Philadelphia Civil Courts

Congratulations to Bill Baer

President Obama has, as rumored, appointed Bill Baer (Arnold & Porter) to head the Antitrust Division.  Reuters reports: Baer, who is the chair of Arnold and Porter’s Antitrust Practice Group, also previously headed the Federal Trade Commission’s competition division when it stopped a merger between Staples and Office Depot in 1997. He will replace Sharis ... Congratulations to Bill Baer

Wright v. Rule at Columbia Law on Google and Antitrust

Charles (“Rick”) Rule, who represents Microsoft and is the head of the antitrust practice at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP, and I had an opportunity to debate the various antitrust issues involving Google and its search engine on last week.  I didn’t have much of a chance to report here on the blog over the ... Wright v. Rule at Columbia Law on Google and Antitrust

Competition for the Field on the Internet

Keith Woolcock (Time Business) offers an interesting perspective on what economists would describe as “competition for the field” between Apple, Facebook, Google, and Facebook.  It gives a good sense of the many dimensions of competition upon which these firms compete. The upcoming IPO of Facebook, the flak surrounding Twitter’s decision to censor some tweets, and Google’s weaker-than-expected 4th-quarter ... Competition for the Field on the Internet

Some Antitrust Links

Commissioner Rosch makes the case for cert in FTC v. Lundbeck Will Bill Baer (Arnold & Porter) replace Sharis Pozen at DOJ?  (Bloomberg) Private suits follow as the FTC consent decree in Pool Corp “has spawned a batch of lawsuits in California, Louisiana and Florida over allegations that the company’s tactics drove up prices, stifled ... Some Antitrust Links

Privacy Interview

I was recently interview about privacy on the BBC Online Magazine by Kate Dailey.  Here is the interview: Magazine 26 January 2012 Last updated at 13:11 ET Could Google’s data hoarding be good for you? By Kate Dailey BBC News Magazine Google’s announcement that is now tracking users’ web movements has upset privacy advocates. But ... Privacy Interview

Stan Liebowitz on Piracy and Music Sales

Stan Liebowitz (UT-Dallas) offers a characteristically thoughtful and provocative op-ed in the WSJ today commenting on SOPA and the Protect IP Act.  Here’s an excerpt: You may have noticed last Wednesday’s blackout of Wikipedia or Google’s strange blindfolded-logo screen. These were attempts to kill the Protect IP Act and the Stop Online Piracy Act, proposed ... Stan Liebowitz on Piracy and Music Sales

Fed should stay out of Google/Twitter social search spat

As has become customary with just about every new product announcement by Google these days, the company’s introduction on Tuesday of its new “Search, plus Your World” (SPYW) program, which aims to incorporate a user’s Google+ content into her organic search results, has met with cries of antitrust foul play. All the usual blustering and ... Fed should stay out of Google/Twitter social search spat

Social Search, Efficiencies of Integration, and Antitrust

The web is all abuzz about possible antitrust implications concerning Google’s new personalized search (see, e.g., here and here), integrating search with Google Plus.  Here is Google’s description of “Search, plus Your World”: We’re transforming Google into a search engine that understands not only content, but also people and relationships. We began this transformation with ... Social Search, Efficiencies of Integration, and Antitrust