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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

The folly of the FTC’s Section Five case against Google

In the past weeks, the chatter surrounding a possible FTC antitrust case against Google has risen in volume, thanks largely to the FTC’s hiring of litigator Beth Wilkinson.  The question remains, however, what this aggressive move portends and, more importantly, why the FTC is taking it. It is worth noting at the outset that, as ... The folly of the FTC’s Section Five case against Google

And a few tidbits about Damien Geradin, too

Catching up on my blog reading, I see Chillin’ Competition had a Friday Slot interview with Damien Geradin recently, as well.  Also worth checking out.  I especially like this: What you like the least about economics in competition law? Mind boggling theories disconnected from the real world. These are a complete waste of time. Amen, ... And a few tidbits about Damien Geradin, too

A few tidbits about Herb Hovenkamp

Our friends at Chillin’ Competition have a short interview with Herb Hovenkamp up as part of their “Friday Slot” series.  Here are a couple of tidbits to entice you to go read the whole thing: “Oscar” of the best antitrust law book? Non-antitrust book? Best Antitrust Book:  Oliver E. Williamson, Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and Antitrust Implications (1975). ... A few tidbits about Herb Hovenkamp

More Misguided Derision from Critics of the Verizon-SpectrumCo Wireless Deal

The pending wireless spectrum deal between Verizon Wireless and a group of cable companies (the SpectrumCo deal, for short) continues to attract opprobrium from self-proclaimed consumer advocates and policy scolds.  In the latest salvo, Public Knowledge’s Harold Feld (and other critics of the deal) aren’t happy that Verizon seems to be working to appease the regulators by selling off ... More Misguided Derision from Critics of the Verizon-SpectrumCo Wireless Deal

Happy 98th Birthday to Armen Alchian!

The great economist Armen Alchian turned 98 yesterday.  Armen is the father of the UCLA tradition in economics.  I had the great honor of having Armen on my dissertation committee and cannot imagine being prouder of my association with him.  Armen’s contributions to economics as diverse as they are penetrating.  Armen was one of the ... Happy 98th Birthday to Armen Alchian!

The procompetitive story that could undermine the DOJ’s e-books antitrust case against Apple

Did Apple conspire with e-book publishers to raise e-book prices?  That’s what DOJ argues in a lawsuit filed yesterday. But does that violate the antitrust laws?  Not necessarily—and even if it does, perhaps it shouldn’t. Antitrust’s sole goal is maximizing consumer welfare.  While that generally means antitrust regulators should focus on lower prices, the situation is more ... The procompetitive story that could undermine the DOJ’s e-books antitrust case against Apple

Joking about politics

On November 3rd, the president of the United States spoke at the Hotel Lowry in St. Paul, Minnesota, in what was billed repeatedly as a bi-partisan address. The president ridiculed reactionaries in Congress who he claimed represented the wealthy and the powerful, and whose “theory seems to be that if these groups are prosperous, they ... Joking about politics

I Will be Participating Today on the Live Webcast “This Week in Law”

Today at 11AM PT I will be participating on the live webcast “This Week in Law” along with TechFreedom Senior Adjunct Fellow Larry Downes. Denise Howell will be hosting and we will also be joined by fellow participant Evan Brown. This week we will be discussing various topics in tech policy including Senator Al Franken’s ... I Will be Participating Today on the Live Webcast “This Week in Law”

Europe Should Let Competition Run Its Course In Motorola Patent Dispute

On Tuesday the European Commission opened formal proceedings against Motorola Mobility based on its patent licensing practices surrounding some of its core cellular telephony, Internet video and Wi-fi technology. The Commission’s concerns, echoing those raised by Microsoft and Apple, center on Motorola’s allegedly high royalty rates and its efforts to use injunctions to enforce the ... Europe Should Let Competition Run Its Course In Motorola Patent Dispute

The DOJ’s Problematic Attack on Property Rights Through Merger Review

The DOJ’s recent press release on the Google/Motorola, Rockstar Bidco, and Apple/ Novell transactions struck me as a bit odd when I read it.  As I’ve now had a bit of time to digest it, I’ve grown to really dislike it.  For those who have not followed Jorge Contreras had an excellent summary of events ... The DOJ’s Problematic Attack on Property Rights Through Merger Review

Competition for Distribution, Search Engine Edition

A recent report notes that while Apple may be shifting away from Google Maps, Google remains the default search engine in Safari, and thus, remains the default search on a variety of Apple devices.  Google competes vigorously for this right; indeed, competition among search engines drives the price paid to Apple for its ability to ... Competition for Distribution, Search Engine Edition

Google Isn’t ‘Leveraging Its Dominance,’ It’s Fighting To Avoid Obsolescence

Six months may not seem a great deal of time in the general business world, but in the Internet space it’s a lifetime as new websites, tools and features are introduced every day that change where and how users get and share information. The rise of Facebook is a great example: the social networking platform ... Google Isn’t ‘Leveraging Its Dominance,’ It’s Fighting To Avoid Obsolescence