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Showing results for:  “Google shopping manne”

Dear DOJ: Take a Look at the Law Schools.

The U.S. Department of Justice sued eBay last week for agreeing not to poach employees from rival Intuit. According to the Department’s press release, “eBay’s agreement with Intuit hurt employees by lowering the salaries and benefits they might have received and deprived them of better job opportunities at the other company.” DOJ maintains that agreements among ... Dear DOJ: Take a Look at the Law Schools.

Podcast Panel: Software Patents – Boon or Bane for Technological Innovation? Although pure software patents are only a couple decades old, they have become the focus of a heated innovation policy debate. On the one hand, new technological innovation once imagined only as science fiction is now a commonplace feature of our lives — tablet computers, smart phones, wireless telecommunication, cloud computing, and streaming television, ... Podcast Panel: Software Patents – Boon or Bane for Technological Innovation?

Forget remedies – FairSearch doesn’t even have a valid statement of harm in its Google antitrust criticism

After more than a year of complaining about Google and being met with responses from me (see also here, here, here, here, and here, among others) and many others that these complaints have yet to offer up a rigorous theory of antitrust injury — let alone any evidence — FairSearch yesterday offered up its preferred ... Forget remedies – FairSearch doesn’t even have a valid statement of harm in its Google antitrust criticism

Teleforum on Software Patents on Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 2pm

A nice way to take a break from Election Day stress about this fingernail-biting-close election is to listen to some panelists talk about something that is truly important — software patents! 🙂 It a great panel, notwithstanding my participation, and it promises to be a lot of fun and informative.  So, call in for the ... Teleforum on Software Patents on Tuesday, Nov. 6, at 2pm

The “Patent Litigation Explosion” Canard

We often hear today that there’s an unprecedented “patent litigation explosion” that’s killing innovation. Last week, the New York Times plied this claim without abandon in its hit piece on high-tech patents.  It’s become so commonplace that this phrase garners over 1.3 million hits on Google. It’s especially common fare in discussions about the “smart ... The “Patent Litigation Explosion” Canard

The FCC faces a fork in the road: Pretend scarcity doesn’t exist or actually help reduce it

At today’s Open Commission Meeting, the FCC is set to consider two apparently forthcoming Notices of Proposed Rulemaking that will shape the mobile broadband sector for years to come.  It’s not hyperbole to say that the FCC’s approach to the two issues at hand — the design of spectrum auctions and the definition of the FCC’s ... The FCC faces a fork in the road: Pretend scarcity doesn’t exist or actually help reduce it

Should the FTC Sue Google Over Search? A TechFreedom Debate This Friday

I will be speaking at a lunch debate in DC hosted by TechFreedom on Friday, September 28, 2012, to discuss the FTC’s antitrust investigation of Google. Details below. TechFreedom will host a livestreamed, parliamentary-style lunch debate on Friday September 28, 2012, to discuss the FTC’s antitrust investigation of Google.   As the company has evolved, expanding outward from ... Should the FTC Sue Google Over Search? A TechFreedom Debate This Friday

Let The Music Play: Critics Of Universal-EMI Merger Are Singing Off-Key

There are a lot of inaccurate claims – and bad economics – swirling around the Universal Music Group (UMG)/EMI merger, currently under review by the US Federal Trade Commission and the European Commission (and approved by regulators in several other jurisdictions including, most recently, Australia). Regulators and industry watchers should be skeptical of analyses that ... Let The Music Play: Critics Of Universal-EMI Merger Are Singing Off-Key

Ginsburg & Wright on Behavioral Law and Economics: Its Origins, Fatal Flaws, and Implications for Liberty

My paper with Judge Douglas H. Ginsburg (D.C. Circuit; NYU Law), Behavioral Law & Economics: Its Origins, Fatal Flaws, and Implications for Liberty, is posted to SSRN and now published in the Northwestern Law Review. Here is the abstract: Behavioral economics combines economics and psychology to produce a body of evidence that individual choice behavior ... Ginsburg & Wright on Behavioral Law and Economics: Its Origins, Fatal Flaws, and Implications for Liberty

The anti-patent crowd seems to think your smartphone doesn’t actually exist

I respect Alex Tabarrock immensely, but his recent post on the relationship between “patent strength” and innovation is, while pretty, pretty silly. The entirety of the post is the picture I have pasted here. The problem is that neither Alex nor anyone else actually knows that this is “where we are,” nor exactly what the ... The anti-patent crowd seems to think your smartphone doesn’t actually exist

Real lawyers read the footnotes, but cite them only when relevant: A response to Harold Feld on the FCC SpectrumCo Order

“Real lawyers read the footnotes!”—thus did Harold Feld chastise Geoff and Berin in a recent blog post about our CNET piece on the Verizon/SpectrumCo transaction. We argued, as did Commissioner Pai in his concurrence, that the FCC provided no legal basis for its claims of authority to review the Commercial Agreements that accompanied Verizon’s purchase ... Real lawyers read the footnotes, but cite them only when relevant: A response to Harold Feld on the FCC SpectrumCo Order

Josh Wright to be nominated to be next FTC Commissioner

Truth on the Market and the International Center for Law & Economics are delighted (if a bit saddened) to announce that President Obama intends to nominate Joshua Wright, Research Director and Member of the Board of Directors of ICLE and Professor of Law at George Mason University School of Law, to be the next Commissioner ... Josh Wright to be nominated to be next FTC Commissioner