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Showing results for:  “sirius xm merger”

Section 2 Symposium: Dan Crane on Framing the Debate

I must confess that my basic reaction to the Section 2 report was disappointment.  It’s not that I find much fault with the report itself–a few quibbles yes, but generally I find it quite satisfactory–but that after all of the time and effort put into the joint hearings by the FTC, the FTC wasn’t able ... Section 2 Symposium: Dan Crane on Framing the Debate

Glaxo/Pfizer HIV Drug Collaboration

There’s an interesting story in the WSJ about a merger between the HIV-drug businesses at Glaxo and Pfizer.  Some details from the story: Examples of cooperation among drug giants are unusual — Pfizer and Glaxo are the world’s top two drug companies by sales, respectively — since big pharmaceutical companies compete to sell products, attract ... Glaxo/Pfizer HIV Drug Collaboration

Call for Papers: FTC/Northwestern University Second Annual Microeconomics Conference

The Federal Trade Commission and the Searle Center at Northwestern are hosting the second annual Microeconomics Conference.  The conference will take place on November 19th and 20th at the FTC.  Here’s the conference announcement and call for papers: The Federal Trade Commission’s Bureau of Economics, Northwestern University’s Searle Center on Law, Regulation and Economic Growth, ... Call for Papers: FTC/Northwestern University Second Annual Microeconomics Conference

Dont Call It A Comeback

When I came onto the job market in 2004, a number of advisers told me that I should not market myself as an “antitrust guy.”  The prevailing view on the job market was that “antitrust was dead.”  This perception was conveyed one way or another in interviews or conversations with folks in the legal academy.  ... Dont Call It A Comeback

Professor Carrier’s Response

First of all, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Josh Wright. Only because of Josh’s creativity and tireless, flawless execution did this blog symposium come about and run so smoothly. I also would like to thank Dennis Crouch, who has generously cross-posted the symposium at PatentlyO. And I am grateful for the ... Professor Carrier’s Response

Manne on Carrier's Innovation in the 21st Century

Michael Carrier has written a timely and interesting book.  Like Dan, I’m still digesting it (which means, in translation: I have not yet read every word).  There is much to like about the book, in particular its accessible format and content.  I do fear that it is a bit overly ambitious, however, hoping both to ... Manne on Carrier's Innovation in the 21st Century

On the Whole Foods Settlement

Thom kicked off discussion of the FTC and Whole Foods’ settlement on a critical note: It’s pretty impressive that the Commissioners were willing to stand their ground in the face of evidence that Whole Foods wasn’t earning monopoly profits, that numerous grocery retailers are moving toward the Whole Foods format, that there are obvious economies ... On the Whole Foods Settlement

Some Links

Pharma Mergers! The unintended consequences of disability law (Freakonomics) Posner on the Failure of Capitalism — a book I that I suspect will attract much attention Congratulations to Scott Kieff who is heading from Wash U to GW The FTC gets PI in CCC/Mitchell

Evans and Schmalensee Webinar on Two-Sided Markets

Here is a link to the latest Competition Policy International Webinar series on antitrust issues in two-sided markets by David Evans and Richard Schmalansee. Here is the course description: It is now widely recognized by antitrust and economic scholars that analyzing competitive practices such as mergers and abuse of dominance in two-sided industries requires special ... Evans and Schmalensee Webinar on Two-Sided Markets

Whole Foods Throws in the Towel — Congrats to the FTC!

The witch hunt is over. Last evening, the FTC announced that it would drop its antitrust action against high-end grocer Whole Foods in exchange for the chain’s agreement to sell 32 stores and to give up the rights to Wild Oats’ name. FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz proclaimed that “[a]s a result of this settlement, American ... Whole Foods Throws in the Towel — Congrats to the FTC!

Varney on RPM

I just saw this very good piece in The Deal from Sean Gates and Tej Srimushnam (Morrison & Foerster) on what Christine Varney’s appointment to the Antitrust Division might mean for enforcement decisions. Gates and Srimushnam predict that some of the most important changes associated with the Varney DOJ are likely to be the “return” ... Varney on RPM

ALEA 2009 May 15-16 in San Diego

The program is available here. And I’m thrilled to report that my paper (with co-author Michael Baye), Is Antitrust Too Complicated for Generalist Judges: The Impact of Economic Complexity and Judicial Training on Appeals, has been selected for the conference.  I’m very much looking forward to the panel and the conference in general. [UPDATE: Congratulations ... ALEA 2009 May 15-16 in San Diego