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Showing results for:  “sirius xm merger”

Some Links

Facebook hires recent Kirkpatrick Award winner Tim Muris to manage their antitrust and consumer protection business at the Federal Trade Commission (or did they?) My colleague Neomi Rao in the WSJ on the Kagan nomination The UK British Airways price-fixing trial implodes after the OFT didn’t turn over evidence (Businessweek) The FTC has, to its ... Some Links

The Proposed Merger Guidelines: How Much of a Shift?

The proposed Horizontal Merger Guidelines (HMGs) have been treated by some as a major shift in enforcement approach away from a tight structure that begins with market definition to a more flexible and open-ended competitive effects approach.  Some of the specific concerns that have been raised are that the proposed HMGs dramatically change enforcement policy ... The Proposed Merger Guidelines: How Much of a Shift?

Market Definition and Margins in the New Guidelines

I’m still working through the 2010 Horizontal Merger Guidelines, and like Dan, I find myself puzzling over some of the revisions, and in favor of others.  I wanted to start with some first impressions.  The big movement here, is that the new HMGs repudiate the market definition requirement in the new Section 4 and in ... Market Definition and Margins in the New Guidelines

Whoa There, Big Fellows!

The DoJ/FTC revised merger guidelines, released as a draft for public comment yesterday, have me scratching my head. I need to spend more time with them before I come to any strong views, but the obvious issue-spotter is the elimination of market definition as a necessary step in the analysis. So we all know that ... Whoa There, Big Fellows!

Proposed Merger Guidelines Released

The FTC/ DOJ have released the new proposed horizontal merger guidelines.  The public comment period with the Commission ends May 20th.  There is a lot to evaluate here.  On a quick read through, here are a few of my noted as either changes or interesting as I went through: “Market definition is not an end ... Proposed Merger Guidelines Released

DOJ Stumbling Out Of The Gate On Antitrust In Ag

Wednesday, April 7, J.P. Stadtmueller, U.S. District Court Judge for the Eastern District of Wisconsin, gave the green light for DOJ’s antitrust case against Dean Foods to move forward. Dean had filed a motion to dismiss based on its assertion that the DOJ had failed to provide sufficient evidence to support the DOJ’s antitrust claim ... DOJ Stumbling Out Of The Gate On Antitrust In Ag

Assessing the claims that the Google-AdMob merger will "leverage Google's dominance" and also kill kittens

News items continue to pile up suggesting that the FTC is likely to challenge Google’s acquisition of mobile application and website advertising provider, AdMob.  See this recent article from the Wall Street Journal.  News reports today contain this quote from an anonymous source: “The staff (at the U.S. Federal Trade Commission) believes there is a ... Assessing the claims that the Google-AdMob merger will "leverage Google's dominance" and also kill kittens

Varney's comments from the DOJ/USDA hearings [#dojusda #agworkshop]

The DOJ has posted the transcript from the recent DOJ/USDA hearings on antitrust in agriculture here.  I figured our readers might be especially interested in seeing Christine Varney’s comments (especially without having to slog through all 350 pages to find them!).  I have bolded some of the most interesting parts of her comments. As a ... Varney's comments from the DOJ/USDA hearings [#dojusda #agworkshop]

Economics versus politics in antitrust [#agworkshop]

Bill Northey, IA Ag Sec’y, sounds a bit like an economist (ah, turns out he has a degree in ag business and an MBA . . . ).  Yes, price of seeds has gone up, but so has yield, and so has overall value.  The issue, he says, is how to divide the surplus, and ... Economics versus politics in antitrust [#agworkshop]

Competition in agriculture redux (cross-posted)

Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog is hosting a symposium on Competition in Agriculture.  Mike’s post from yesterday is available here.   So far in the symposium there are also posts by Ron Cass (BU Law), Jeff Harrison (Florida Law), Peter Carstensen (Wisconsin Law), and Kyle Stiegert (Wisconsin Applied Econ).  Additional posts should be forthcoming from ... Competition in agriculture redux (cross-posted)

A Defense of the Insurance Industry Antitrust Exemption?

The subject of antitrust exemptions has been an oft-discussed topic here at TOTM (see, e.g. here and here).  In the latter of those two links I was somewhat critical of the DOJ for taking a neutral stance on the insurance industry exemption, which has now become rather wrapped up in the health care reform debate. ... A Defense of the Insurance Industry Antitrust Exemption?

Wright’s Right on Posner

A couple of days ago, Josh wrote to correct the record on Judge Posner’s antitrust views. AAG Varney had implied that Posner has changed his views on antitrust and now favors a more interventionist antitrust policy. Josh helpfully pointed us to Posner’s own remarks, which do not support Ms. Varney’s “gloss.” Ms. Varney is not ... Wright’s Right on Posner