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Showing results for:  “sirius xm merger”

Simpson Thacher Adds FTC’s Matt Reilly

From Competition Policy International (via The Blog of Legal Times): Matt Reilly, former Assistant Director of the Federal Trade Commission, is joining Simpson Thacher & Bartlett. Reilly will partner the firm’s Antitrust Practice and be based in its D.C. office. His move comes after 13 years at the FTC, where he was the lead litigator ... Simpson Thacher Adds FTC’s Matt Reilly

Announcing The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement

An interesting new joint venture between Oxford University Press, Ariel Ezrachi, and Bill Kovacic (GW).  Sounds like a fantastic idea and with top notch management and might be of interest to many of our readers. The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement  Call for Papers – The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement (OUP) Oxford University Press is delighted ... Announcing The Journal of Antitrust Enforcement

The folly of the FTC’s Section Five case against Google

In the past weeks, the chatter surrounding a possible FTC antitrust case against Google has risen in volume, thanks largely to the FTC’s hiring of litigator Beth Wilkinson.  The question remains, however, what this aggressive move portends and, more importantly, why the FTC is taking it. It is worth noting at the outset that, as ... The folly of the FTC’s Section Five case against Google

The DOJ’s Problematic Attack on Property Rights Through Merger Review

The DOJ’s recent press release on the Google/Motorola, Rockstar Bidco, and Apple/ Novell transactions struck me as a bit odd when I read it.  As I’ve now had a bit of time to digest it, I’ve grown to really dislike it.  For those who have not followed Jorge Contreras had an excellent summary of events ... The DOJ’s Problematic Attack on Property Rights Through Merger Review

Greg Werden in Defense of Defining Markets

One of the more significant papers in antitrust of late has been Professor Kaplow’s Why (Ever) Define Markets?  Kaplow provocatively argues that the entire “market definition/ market share” paradigm of antitrust is misguided and beyond repair.  Kaplow describes the exclusive role of market definition in that paradigm as generating inferences about market power, argues that ... Greg Werden in Defense of Defining Markets

Congratulations to Bill Baer

President Obama has, as rumored, appointed Bill Baer (Arnold & Porter) to head the Antitrust Division.  Reuters reports: Baer, who is the chair of Arnold and Porter’s Antitrust Practice Group, also previously headed the Federal Trade Commission’s competition division when it stopped a merger between Staples and Office Depot in 1997. He will replace Sharis ... Congratulations to Bill Baer

FTC Closes UFC Investigation

Sports Illustrated: The Federal Trade Commission has concluded and closed a six-month, nonpublic investigation of Zuffa LLC., the owners of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, and will not take further action at this time, an FTC spokesperson confirmed to on Tuesday. According to closing letters to parties involved that were made public Tuesday, the FTC ... FTC Closes UFC Investigation

Ideoblog Archives Available

I’ve received quite a few emails from TOTM and Ideoblog readers on this topic and so I want to highlight for our readers that we have Larry’s Ideoblog archives available at the link featured across the top bar under the Truth on the Market banner (click here).  They are also available on the left hand ... Ideoblog Archives Available

Divining a Regulator’s Intent

Regulated firms and their Washington lawyers study agency reports and public statements carefully to figure out the rules of the road; the clearer the rules, the easier it is for regulated firms to understand how the rules affect their businesses and to plan accordingly. So long as the regulator and the regulated firm are on ... Divining a Regulator’s Intent

GMU Law Review Symposium on High-Tech Antitrust on January 26th

I am very pleased to pass along this information about the 15th Annual Symposium on Antitrust Law on January 26th, 2012 sponsored by the George Mason Law Review, GMU Law & Economics Center, and Kelley Drye & Warren LLP.   The George Mason Law Review, in partnership with the George Mason University Law & Economics ... GMU Law Review Symposium on High-Tech Antitrust on January 26th

Best Antitrust Articles and Books of 2011

Danny Sokol posted some nominations for best Antitrust Article from a variety of antitrust experts.  I was supposed to include my nomination for that list but missed the deadline.  Turns out my draft list doesn’t have much overlap with the articles nominated over there, so I figured I’d share my whole list here with all ... Best Antitrust Articles and Books of 2011

What Does the Stock Market Tell Us in the Aftermath of the Failed AT&T / T-Mobile Merger?

In the wake of the announcement that AT&T and T-Mobile are walking away from their proposed merger, there will be ample time to discuss whether the deal would have passed muster in federal court, and to review the various strategic maneuvers by the parties, the DOJ, and the FCC.  But now is a good time ... What Does the Stock Market Tell Us in the Aftermath of the Failed AT&T / T-Mobile Merger?