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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

Commisioner Troy Paredes

Only the formality of full Senate confirmation stands between Troy Paredes and the SEC following unanimous approval from the Senate Banking Committee.  Congratulations, Troy. UPDATE:  [Someone claiming to be] Chairman Cox points out in the comments that Troy was in fact confirmed by the full Senate last week.  Indeed, it is true.  Not much fanfare, but ... Commisioner Troy Paredes

Free Trade Petition

Atlas Economic Research Foundation is circulating a petition in favor of free trade (HT Sasha Volokh).  The plan is to unveil the petition before the April 1 G20 meetings in London.  Here is the text of the petition.  You can sign it here if you are interested. Free Trade Is the Best Policy The specter ... Free Trade Petition

What does Tyler know about law and economics, anyway?

Over at Crooked Timber, Tyler Cowen comments on Steve Teles’ book on conservative legal movements.  I never get tired of plugging Steve’s book (as he knows), so I’ll do it again here:  It’s a great book, a riveting read, and instructive, to boot.  Buy a copy today! Tyler comments (among a series of comments in ... What does Tyler know about law and economics, anyway?

Ronald Coase, 1910-2013

Many more, who will do far more justice than I can, will have much more to say on this, so I will only note it here. Ronald Coase has passed away. He was 102. The University of Chicago Law School has a notice here. The first thing I wrote on the board for my students this ... Ronald Coase, 1910-2013

Ronald Coase on regulation

As Gus said, there will be much more to say, and much more said by others, on Coase’s passing. For now, I offer this excerpt from a 1997 Reason interview he gave with Tom Hazlett: Hazlett: You said you’re not a libertarian. What do you consider your politics to be? Coase: I really don’t know. I don’t reject ... Ronald Coase on regulation

Truth on the Market on Coase

Not surprisingly, we’ve discussed Coase quite a bit here at Truth on the Market. Follow this link to see our collected thoughts on Coase over the years. Probably my favorite, and certainly most frequently quoted, of Coase’s many wise words is this: One important result of this preoccupation with the monopoly problem is that if an ... Truth on the Market on Coase

"Goldman reports $1.8 billion profit" tells us the good news that “Goldman reports $1.8 billion profit,” but the totality of the information in the article strikes me as mildly curious. While announcing that “Goldman reports $1.8 billion profit,” the article points out that Goldman needed $10 B in TARP funds only a few months ago.  Yet now Goldman is ... "Goldman reports $1.8 billion profit"

Some historical observations about Network Neutrality

I have a new post up at TechPolicyDaily that takes a historical perspective on Network Neutrality. The abstract is below. I had to cut a bunch out of the piece — I hope to add a bunch of the cut parts back in and post an extended version here later this week. But for now: Network ... Some historical observations about Network Neutrality

TOTM Symposium Wrap Up

I’d like to formally thank Mike Carrier, Geoff Manne, Phil Weiser, Dan Crane, Brett Frischmann, Scott Kieff and Dennis Crouch for participating in the first TOTM symposium on Mike’s book: Innovation for the 21st Century: Harnessing the Power of Intellectual Property and Antitrust Law.   Thanks also to Dennis for cross-posting at PatentlyO.  Each of the ... TOTM Symposium Wrap Up

Did the Chicago School Overshoot the Mark?

I’ve posted to SSRN a new essay entitled Overshot the Mark?  A Simple Explanation of the Chicago School’s Influence on Antitrust.  It is a book review of Robert Pitofsky’s recent volume How the Chicago School Overshot the Mark: The effect of Conservative Economic Analysis on U.S. Antitrust, and is forthcoming in Volume 5 of Competition ... Did the Chicago School Overshoot the Mark?

Some Links

Pharma Mergers! The unintended consequences of disability law (Freakonomics) Posner on the Failure of Capitalism — a book I that I suspect will attract much attention Congratulations to Scott Kieff who is heading from Wash U to GW The FTC gets PI in CCC/Mitchell

Maryland Adopts New Per Se Rule for Minimum RPM

A new law in Maryland will take effect on October 1 and will re-instate the Dr. Miles rule for minimum RPM. The Wall Street Journal reports that it is a “move that could lead to lower prices for consumers across the country.” I doubt it. There are quite a few reasons to believe that shifts ... Maryland Adopts New Per Se Rule for Minimum RPM