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Why Take Antitrust? (Fall 2010 Edition)

In what has become an annual affair, around this time of the year, I like to make the case for law students to take antitrust. Each year, the post is edited and tweaked a little bit.  So, without further ado, here is this year’s edition of “Why Take Antitrust?” As the start of the new ... Why Take Antitrust? (Fall 2010 Edition)

State Antitrust Law in Action

A predatory pricing case in California under Section 17043 results in a $21 million fine awarded to one newspaper, the Bay Guardian, in a suit against a competitor, San Francisco Weekly (HT: Reason).  The suit alleged that the SF Weekly was selling advertising below cost for the purpose of harming a competitor.  A summary of ... State Antitrust Law in Action

The Countrywide cases

The WSJ today covers the legal battles surrounding Countrywide Financial. The story is about the effort to hang somebody for the financial crisis. It also reveals much about the problems of criminalization of corporate agency costs, the politicization of criminal justice, and financial reform. The case against Countrywide and its former ceo Angelo Mozilo is ... The Countrywide cases

The Law Market and U.S. law firms

According to an article in Corporate Counsel (HT Law Blog), a recent survey suggests U.S. law firms are losing international business to the Brits: About 53 percent of the companies use English law for international work, while only 34 percent use U.S. law. When asked to name law firms they would consider for multijurisdictional deals ... The Law Market and U.S. law firms

Why lawyers?

This is the real topic of Kenneth Anderson’s brief and more modestly titled Do Lawyers and Law Professors Have Any Comparative Advantages in Opining on Financial Regulation Reform? A Brief Essay. Anderson wonders whether “the skills of the lawyer and law professor are, at most, those of scribe seeking clearly to write down policy positions ... Why lawyers?

A Federal Reserve Worth Its Weight in…; or, A Gold Standard for the Modern Era

The Federal Reserve has been working with other international banking regulators in the Basel III process to alter bank capital reserves so that they are no longer pro-cyclical and based on unrealistic assumptions about economic growth during bull markets.  The Fed now urges that banks need to hold reserves on a counter-cyclical basis.  When times ... A Federal Reserve Worth Its Weight in…; or, A Gold Standard for the Modern Era

The CARE Act and State Regulation of Alcohol Distribution: The Competitive and Social Effects of Post and Hold Laws

In an earlier post on the CARE Act, I highlighted the fact that the law would essentially immunize state laws regulating the distribution and sale of beer, wine and liquor wholesalers from challenge under the Commerce clause and the Sherman Act.  For more details on the CARE Act, see the earlier post, but the bottom ... The CARE Act and State Regulation of Alcohol Distribution: The Competitive and Social Effects of Post and Hold Laws

Do consumers need a license to shop?

A question I ask in my latest column.

More on getting rid of LLC fiduciary duties

I have frequently discussed the ongoing jurisprudential drama in Delaware on how firms can avoid fiduciary duties. The basic setup here is that Delaware allows LLCs and other unincorporated firms to completely eliminate fiduciary duties. But they have to do it carefully. Here’s my most recent discussion of the state of play on what that ... More on getting rid of LLC fiduciary duties

The unexpected expected consequences of financial reform

The LA Times expresses surprise that Goldman Sachs will come out quite well from financial reform. Who did they think was calling the shots in Congress? Consumers? Investors? How badly were accountants, the culprits in the last financial meltdown, hurt by Sarbanes-Oxley? Most notably, the LA Times is shocked Goldman is not actually going to ... The unexpected expected consequences of financial reform

Food for thought, but don’t believe the label

“People who read food labels such as the Nutrition Facts Panel, ingredient lists or serving size are more likely to have healthier diets than those who do not read labels, according to a new study appearing in the August issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.”  So reads the opening line of a ... Food for thought, but don’t believe the label

The (deficit) spender of last resort

Todd posts below about the $26 billion bill before the US House today as a gift to teachers (or perhaps more accurately, teachers unions) and school bureacrats. In reality, only $10 billion of the funds is specifically slated to rehire laid off teachers and some other public employees. The other $16 billion is to fund ... The (deficit) spender of last resort