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Showing results for:  “digital markets act”

"Prosocial," Output-Reducing Collusion

One of my antitrust students recently pointed me to a television commercial that could inspire a great exam question. Unfortunately, I didn’t see the ad until I’d finished drafting this semester’s antitrust exam (which I’ve been grading…hence the absence from TOTM). The T.V. commercial trumpets an agreement among the members of the American Beverage Association ... "Prosocial," Output-Reducing Collusion

Why the FTC had to Abandon the Duty to Deal Argument Against Qualcomm

On November 22, the FTC filed its answering brief in the FTC v. Qualcomm litigation. As we’ve noted before, it has always seemed a little odd that the current FTC is so vigorously pursuing this case, given some of the precedents it might set and the Commission majority’s apparent views on such issues. But this ... Why the FTC had to Abandon the Duty to Deal Argument Against Qualcomm

The Law & Economics of Children’s Online Safety: The First Amendment and Online Intermediary Liability

Legislation to secure children’s safety online is all the rage right now, not only on Capitol Hill, but in state legislatures across the country. One of the favored approaches is to impose on platforms a duty of care to protect teen users. For example, Sens. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) and Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) have reintroduced the Kid’s ... The Law & Economics of Children’s Online Safety: The First Amendment and Online Intermediary Liability

Pai’s Legacy of Progress in Closing the Rural Digital Divide

I was having a conversation recently with a fellow denizen of rural America, discussing how to create opportunities for academics studying the digital divide to get on-the-ground experience with the realities of rural telecommunications. He recounted a story from a telecom policy event in Washington, D.C., from not long ago. The story featured a couple ... Pai’s Legacy of Progress in Closing the Rural Digital Divide

How Not to Use Industrial Policy to Promote Europe’s Digital Sovereignty

The concept of European “digital sovereignty” has been promoted in recent years both by high officials of the European Union and by EU national governments. Indeed, France made strengthening sovereignty one of the goals of its recent presidency in the EU Council. The approach taken thus far both by the EU and by national authorities ... How Not to Use Industrial Policy to Promote Europe’s Digital Sovereignty

New Frontiers of Fairness: Auto Da Fé by the Grand Inquisitor of Economics

July 26, 10 A.F. (after fairness) Dear Fellow Inquisitors, It has been more than a decade now since the Federal Neutrality Commission, born of the ashes of the old world, ushered in the Age of Fairness.  As you all know, the FNC was created during the Online Era, when the emergence of the largest companies ... New Frontiers of Fairness: Auto Da Fé by the Grand Inquisitor of Economics

The Limits of Rivalry

I am left wondering, however, if he’s misdiagnosed the problem – or at least whether the cure he offers would be seen as sufficient by those most vocally asserting that antitrust is failing.  And, of course, I recognize that his objective in writing this book is not to bring harmony to a deeply divided debate, ... The Limits of Rivalry

Is Market Concentration Actually Rising?

Everyone is worried about growing concentration in U.S. markets. President Joe Biden’s July 2021 executive order on competition begins with the assertion that “excessive market concentration threatens basic economic liberties, democratic accountability, and the welfare of workers, farmers, small businesses, startups, and consumers.” No word on the threat of concentration to baby puppies, but the ... Is Market Concentration Actually Rising?

Iowa University Prediction Markets

These things continue to fascinate me and provide lots of opportunity for procrastination.  The Iowa University Prediction Market IEM has a new update on the Republican presidential primary: Romney Leads the Iowa Electronic Markets October 26, 2011 |  The Iowa Independent by: Lynda Waddington The value of the former Massachusetts governor continues to rise above ... Iowa University Prediction Markets

In Reforming Its Antitrust Act, Argentina Should Not Ignore Its Institutional Achilles Heel

As part of a set of “shock therapy” measures introduced to deregulate and stabilize its economy, the Argentinian government led by newly elected President Javier Milei has already adopted an emergency decree (Decreto de Necesidad y Urgencia) that makes broad array of legal changes. Toward the same goal, the government in late December sent up ... In Reforming Its Antitrust Act, Argentina Should Not Ignore Its Institutional Achilles Heel

Antitrustifying Contract: Thoughts on Epic Games v. Apple and Apple v. Qualcomm

In the hands of a wise philosopher-king, the Sherman Act’s hard-to-define prohibitions of “restraints of trade” and “monopolization” are tools that will operate inevitably to advance the public interest in competitive markets. In the hands of real-world litigators, regulators and judges, those same words can operate to advance competitors’ private interests in securing commercial advantages ... Antitrustifying Contract: Thoughts on Epic Games v. Apple and Apple v. Qualcomm

The FTC Should Not Enact a Deceptive or Unfair Marketing Earnings-Claims Rule

Back in February 2022, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) on “deceptive or unfair earnings claims.” According to the FTC: [The Deceptive or Unfair ANPRM was aimed at] challenging bogus money-making claims used to lure consumers, workers, and prospective entrepreneurs into risky business ventures that often turn into ... The FTC Should Not Enact a Deceptive or Unfair Marketing Earnings-Claims Rule